COMMON GROUND REFLECTIONS … is a weekly one minute video blog featuring the people and places of Maritime Conference.
Gathered by: Janice MacLean, Conference Minister for Christian Nurture & EnrichmentEach morning I drive by the chestnut tree on my way to my office in the Maritime Conference Centre. And I remember that the soil at the base of the tree was gathered from pastoral charges all across the conference. It is our Common Ground. It is a powerful symbol of our ministry in this place.
In this blog I offer one minute reflections. They might be conversations with people who come to the Maritime Conference Centre for meetings. They might be images of places where I drive to work with pastoral charges. They might be something else that I don’t know yet. I’ve committed to a year of gathering up words, images and wisdom from across the conference.
Like the chestnut tree that grows in common ground, I hope the simple blog offerings will capture something of the ministry we share across the conference.The blog is “on the road” again this week. I had a short visit with my parents in Cape Breton enroute to work last week. We took a drive “up the mountain” to get wood for a Godly Play Project (Thanks Dad!) and I took some video. Here is “A Blessing to Live Here.”
Janice, thank you so much for this work you are doing! My heart is full with the Spirit of the Cape Breton landscape which I learned to love. What a blessing this must be for the folk in Maritime Conference who think to partake of this offering! Bless you, too!
And warm greetings to you, Linda and thank you. Janice