COMMON GROUND REFLECTIONS … is  a weekly one minute video blog featuring the people and places of Maritime Conference.

Gathered by: Janice MacLean, Conference Minister for Christian Nurture & Enrichment

Each morning I drive by the chestnut tree on my way to my office in the Maritime Conference Centre. And I remember that the soil at the base of the tree was gathered from pastoral charges all across the conference. It is our Common Ground. It is a powerful symbol of our ministry in this place.

In this blog I offer one minute reflections. They might be conversations with people who come to the Maritime Conference Centre for meetings. They might be images of places where I drive to work with pastoral charges. They might be something else that I don’t know yet. I’ve committed to a year of gathering up words, images and wisdom from across the conference.

Like the chestnut tree that grows in common ground, I hope the simple blog offerings will capture  something of the ministry we share across the conference.

The blog is “on the road” again this week. I had a short visit with my parents in Cape Breton enroute to work last week. We took a drive “up the mountain” to get wood for a Godly Play Project (Thanks Dad!) and I took some video.  Here is “A Blessing to Live Here.”
