Port Mouton may mean Port ‘Sheep’ en franςais but this South Shore village’s true calling has always been seafood. In 1965, the United Church Women put out an autographed album of recipes, for all your maritime cooking and baking needs.

March may not be lobster season but I say there is always time for this chowder.  It’s perfect for any fishermen and there friends, and with so many lobsters making their way into this pot you’ll be sure to have room for seconds…or thirds.

Lobster Chowder Recipe

Port Mouton Lobster Chowder Recipe

Now that you’ve seen how to make this classic maritime meal, it’s time to put on your Sou’wester, turn on the fiddle tunes and make your way to the nearest shore and fetch yourself some lobster.

Emily Jeffers

Assistant Archivist




