All The Way to Pentecost Daily Emails
Receive a brief daily email prompting you to notice the Mystery of Easter each of the days leading to Pentecost.
Read it with your morning coffee. The daily emails will carry you into the day with a desire to look for mystery waiting in hidden places or shimmering in plain sight. Read it at night. Let it percolate in you and guide your day following.
Inspired by Godly Play stories, the daily emails will offer creative ways of taking a pause before crossing the threshold of the day. A brief reflection will focus intent and a spiritual practice will invite noticing and savouring Mystery. We will follow themes like: Practices for Keeping Easter, Discovering the Divine Reality, Wondering Who We Really Are, Discerning Our Work in the World, Deepening Contemplative Awareness, and Coming Close to the Mystery of Pentecost.
The emails begin the first Sunday of Easter, April 27th and end on Pentecost June 8th.
This daily email is for practitioners of Godly Play or lovers of scripture or players of mystery who like a daily game of hide-and-seek.
Cost: $10
Written by Janice Maclean, Maritime Conference minister for Christian Nurture & Enrichment, a Godly Play Trainer, a lover of scripture, and a player of mystery.