Maybe it’s just me but reading through old diaries is a fun way to while away some time. Not only do you feel like you get to know the diary writer but there’s always a bit of an adrenaline rush from reading what originally not many other people would have had a chance to look at. The Maritime Conference Archives has quite a few diaries from ministers and contrary to what some people may assume, these diaries prove to be an interesting read to say the least.
The following pages are from the diary of one Charles H. Paisley. Straight off the bat, I have to compliment him on his handwriting. It’s actually readable! Here are the basics: Charles Paisley (1843-1908) was born in Fredericton and educated at the University of New Brunswick. He was ordained in 1870 and served at several Methodist circuits in the Maritimes until he became professor and later principal at Mount Allison University. Charles Paisley received a D.D. from Victoria University in 1900. From what I can tell, he was living in the Pugwash area when he wrote these diary entries in August 1867. He certainly has some strong beliefs about the role of women in the church but these would have been commonly held views at the time.
I didn’t mean to leave everyone in suspense about the circus in Pugwash but there’s only so much room. Never fear, you can come view the diary at the Archives if you would like to read more about the circus. And yes, that’s my shameless ploy to get you here!
Very interesting but somewhat hazy to read, I do wonder though about the ethics of reading some one’s diary.
Good work Janice, I think that it was great but if his thoughts on women were that backwards, I wonder what his thoughts on blacks were??? Would love to read more in person.
I have recently been reading the first half of a 350 page 2 year diary composed by Mrs CH Paisley, covering a long visit to Britain by CH Paisley and family in 1884-5. Her writing is also not too bad, though I miss a lot of detail.
It came to me from family connections, Mrs Paisley being my mother’s grandmother. I am discussing donating it to Mount Allison, along with other items of historical interest (CH Paisley was a professor and principal at Mt A), but when I stumbled on this post, thought I might like you to know of its existence.
Regards, John B