Resources for Advent 2014


WORKING GRACES: An Advent Small Group Study

Advent Working GracesThis four week study for small groups is based on the The Letters used in the Lectionary readings for Advent. The President, Gloria Churchill and I reflect on Faith, Hope, and Love. These “Working Graces” entwine and inform our mission and identity in congregations.

You will receive:


  • Four downloadable audio recordings (8-10 minutes each).
  • A script of the audio recordings.
  • Leader’s Page with suggested process including discussion questions & suggestions for a spiritual practice.
  • Participant Page.

This Study will be available by October 27th. When you register you receive a password to a webpage where you can easily download and print the materials.

Cost: $25, registering soon.


 WHOLE-HEARTED WAITING: An Email Retreat for Individuals

Advent whole hearted waitingWe live in a hurried world. We make our way toward the Mystery of Christmas with practices to help us slow down and wait, whole-heartedly. 

You will receive four emails beginning Saturday, November 29th. We will explore four themes: Heartbeat. Heartbroken. Heart-Whole. Heart Song

Cost: $15, registering soon.


How E-Retreats Work

You receive your retreat by email. A high speed connection may be useful for some features but not required. If you have very basic computer skills and are able to receive an email you have sufficient computer skills for taking a retreat!

  • You are part of a wider community but you retreat when you are able.
  • The retreats are flexible. Some folk use the material to retreat once a week; others carve out time each day or integrate the materials with their established practices.
  • The retreats follow a theme and offer reflections, photographs, questions, and several suggested spiritual practices.
  • You can print your retreat to take away from your computer or you can read it on-line.
  • Guests occasionally join the retreat through pod-casts, written word, or You Tube videos.


Registration and Payment

There are two ways to pay.

  1. You can pay on-line through our Pay Pal account using your own credit card or a Pay Pal account if you have one.
  2. You may also select and option to pay by cheque and send by mail.

We always offer an option to pay as you are able. We want our retreats available to all and recognize there may be times when it is not possible to offer payment. Please contact Janice EMAIL
