In honour of Remembrance Day, here are some thank-you letters sent to the Ladies Aid in Sackville, New Brunswick from servicemen during World War II. Transcriptions follow each letter.
Sorry about the long delay in thanking you-both for the cigarettes and the chocolates. I put the cards away so carefully I couldn’t find them! The gifts are very much appreciated and it is good of you to remember us so faithfully. There are some tough times ahead but I think it will not be long before we will be back. Thank you again. Best wishes to you all. Ronald Bennett
Dear Mrs: Received three hundred Sweet Coporal cigarettes a week ago. They arrived in very good condition. Thanks a lot for them. I’ve been over here a year now, like it fairly well. They can send me back to Canada anytime though. I’m living in a private billet at the present, it is very nice. The weather has been nice the last few days. Feeling fine. Daniel M. Lund
Dear Madam, I was very pleasantly surprised the other day when I received your box of chocolates. They had chased me around the country and so arrived as a very nice “past Christmas” present, thereby being doubly welcome. As you can imagine, we are all pretty busy over here. We are hoping to see some excitement before too long, but you people are just as well informed about that as we are and sometimes better. In the Battalion with me are a goodly number of New Brunswickers including Prof. Laidlaw’s brother who used to go to Mt. A. We are a very happy bunch which is all one could ask for. Thank you once more for your kindness in sending along the chocolates. They are indeed a treat over here. Yours sincerely, Harrison Bennett.