Seek Other Cs is the theme of the Conference Annual Meeting! Curiosity, cultivate, congregation, conversation, community are just a few of the ‘Cs’ we will explore.

Rev. John Pentland is our theme speaker; John has written Fishing Tips: How Curiosity Transformed a Community of Faith. Writing as a UCC minister, Fishing Tips speaks to our Canadian religious context, and offers hope to our denomination.

Gary Patterson, 42nd Moderator of United Church of Canada says this: “Fishing Tips starts with a story – a modern midrash [re-telling], of the final chapter of John’s gospel: an unsuccessful fishing expedition until Peter and crew got some fishing tips from the Master – first and foremost is to grab hold of their curiosity and their courage and try fishing on the other side. Which really is what John Pentland’s book is all about – specific tips about how one might go about fishing from the other side in the 21st century.”

You are encouraged to read Fishing Tips before coming to the annual meeting; it’s available through UCRD.

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