In 2015/2016 when properties that had been home to Camp MacLennan and Camp Woolastook were sold, it was decided that a portion of the money from the sale be set aside as a legacy for camping ministries in Maritime Conference.  Direction came from remaining camp boards that the money should be held by Maritime Conference and used to support projects and initiatives that help keep camping ministry sustainable and vital.   The Outdoor Recreation Ministries committee (ORM) was given oversight of this fund.


Generally proposals will be considered if they benefit the overall camping ministry in the Conference.  For example, the fund has helped camps develop marketing and promotional initiatives, given bursaries for camp board and staff members to attend camping conferences, assisted in hiring a consultant to do a review of sustainability for a camp.   Occasionally, proposals from a single camp will be considered if the camp is exploring taking a risk on a new aspect of their ministry.


For a trial period of a year, ORM has also agreed to helping staff or board members attend camping conferences. Camps can apply for 75% of total costs up to a maximum of $1000 per camp per year for a person or group from their camp to attend a camping conference. Camps must apply for the funds (not individuals) and applications must be made in advance of the event.


Please use the following application form to express interest in a grant from the Camping Ministries Fund of Maritime Conference.

Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Camping Ministries Fund Application



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