- Applications will be accepted from people of all age groups, both lay people and ministry personnel.
- In making an application, it is expected that the individual and his/her employing unit will each contribute at least 1/3 of the total cost of the event or programme. When this is not possible, applications will only be considered if there is a recommendation from a person authorized to support the request.
- In order to qualify, an application must be received by the Conference Office prior to the start of the event or programme. Applications will be reviewed monthly by the table officers of the Financial Support Committee or at a regular meeting of that Committee.
- Applicants should discuss their plans with, and have the application signed by, a person showing congregational/institutional support for the application (e.g. Clerk of Session, Christian Development Committee, Ministry and Personnel Committee, Staff Committee, Minister).
- Preference will be given to United Church sponsored or endorsed events or programmes.
- The estimate of travel costs should be based on the most economical and practical form of transportation. Travel by car will be calculated at a rate of $.36/km for both ministry personnel and lay applicants.
- Applicants should not assume that requests will be granted automatically. Each application will be considered individually and measured against funding criteria, the availability of funds, and fair distribution of funds.
- Extraordinary circumstances may be given consideration by the Committee, without prejudice and without setting a precedent.
- Recipients of funds are expected to send to the Maritime Conference Financial Support Committee an evaluation of their experience. (Email:
- No grant will be less than $50 or more than $350. Individuals may receive up to $350 per calendar year. Note: In order to distribute funds as fairly as possible there is a maximum grant of $700 per congregation for the same event. Congregations can determine how they wish to distribute the funds between participants if there are more than two people.
Please note: Books and resource materials do not qualify for funding.