First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council

Register online below

Is the church out of touch with what nourishes peoples’ spirits?

  • Do you wish you had some new ideas to help people get in touch with their faith and feel connected to God in their everyday lives?
  • Do you long for the days when different age groups/generations were involved in the life and work of your congregation?
  • Do you want to explore strategies for growing the church deeper and wider?

If so, you will want to make sure that you are at the 2019 Fall Learning Event.

Date: October 25-27, 2019
(Start time 4:30 pm on Friday, October 25. Ending following Sunday morning worship at Fraser Road United Church, October 27)
Venue: Fraser Road United Church, 1 Brochen Street, Gander, NL
Cost: $200 (includes accommodations, meals, nutrition breaks and program fees)
Deadline: October 11, 2019

Participants are required to pay for their own travel.

With prior approval, the following assistance may be available to help those travelling from 400+ km and from Labrador:

  • 50% of air travel when booked four weeks ahead of travel date
  • 50% of Regional Council vehicle travel rate of $.25/km. Limit one vehicle per Pastoral Charge.
  • No assistance given without prior approval (contact Heather Sandford

Register online below

Event Facilitators:
  • Chris Pullenayegem, Coordinator for Faith Formation, General Council Office, will be the coach, discipleship and small group specialist.
  • Connie denBok will lead us in prayer.
  • Greg Smith-Young will help us acknowledge God’s presence in all things and places.
  • Paula Gale, Minister on the Herring Neck Pastoral Charge, will help us with tools to encourage intergenerational ministry and an online presence to encourage people in their faith formation.

Thank you to the Coughlan College Trust Fund for subsidizing this event

Request to Retain a License to Marry

    If you do not wish to retain a marriage license, you may make application to have a license at anytime, if required.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.