Guidelines for administering the bursary fund from the Vera Dickey Estate for Ministry Candidates of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters and Regional Council 15.
- Each year, the interest from the Vera Dickey bequest will be available for the financial assistance of a candidate(s) for the order of ministry from Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters and Regional Council 15 “in need of financial assistance”.
- Every Applicant must:
- Be approved by the Pastoral Charge as a candidate for the order of ministry of the United Church of Canada.
- Be enrolled for the current year in a Theological Schools that is affiliated with the United Church of Canada.
- Demonstrate a financial need in excess of present income from all sources (other bursaries, congregational/regional council support, supplemental income such as part-time work or spousal employment).
- Applicants are expected to present a detailed budget and financial statement with the application fro bursary assistance. Application should be received by the Office Manager of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters/Regional Council 15 no later than October 31.
- The Bursary payment(s) will be made annually in January.
- Bursary monies are NOT repayable in the case of a lapse in Candidacy.
- The Bursary Committee will decide, on the basis of each year’s applications, the number and amount of each bursary.
Dickey Bursary & Aitken Fund Assistance Financial Statement (PDF)
Dickey Bursary & Aitken Fund Assistance Financial Statement (Word)