
Please send any announcements to

New website is live!

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.

To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.

Condolences: Rev. Boyd Butt

Our sympathy is extended to the family of Rev. Boyd Butt, who passed away on December 1, 2019.  A copy of the obituary can be viewed here.

Covenanting Services in Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters 

December 8:  First United, Bathurst and Reverend Neal Palmer, 2:00 pm at 309 St. Patrick Street, Bathurst
All are Welcome to attend

Halifax Interfaith Harmony Week, February 1 – 9, 2020 – Nurturing Connections

You are invited to participate in the events of Halifax Interfaith Harmony Week! During the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week, a wide variety of sacred spaces and spiritual meeting places open their doors to welcome the public. View the 2020 IHW Celebration Sacred Spaces Calendar here.  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet our neighbours, participate in worship and ritual, engage in meaningful conversations, and deepen interfaith understanding. See
There are different ways to participate:
1. Visit the Sacred Spaces. This Calendar provides dates and places:    2. Interfaith Engagement Program. An opportunity to participate in the week’s events in a more intentional manner. Open to all at no cost.
3. Interfaith Celebration. 2 – 4:00pm Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020. Halifax Central Library.

Atlantic School of Theology invites you to register for one of our Continuing Education opportunities, beginning in January

Biblical Foundations: Hebrew Bible (W-20) BF 1001 (Int)
Worship Foundations (W-20)  WF 1000(Int)
Re-Imagining Ministry with Children and Youth (W-20) PT/ST 2144 (Hyb)
The Challenges of Ministry Leadership PT 2153
Non-Christian Religion in Canada ST 2162
Cultivating Self Care in Ministry Practice
Live Webinar with Dr. Susan Willhauck:  Female Child Soldiering, Gender, Violence and Feminist Theologies
View the full details of all courses here.

Public Performance (or video) License for 2020

EDGE is pleased to offer you the opportunity to obtain a Public Performance Video License at great cost savings for your community of faith!  Public Performance Licenses enable your community of faith to show full-length or clips from movies or TV shows for public viewing as a part of things like worship, fundraisers, family nights, youth group events, or educational programs. If you are interested in showing films or TV shows to a group in your building in any of these circumstances, you need a public performance license. Showing films without a public performance license is a breach of Canadian Copyright Laws.  We have negotiated video licensing agreements with Criterion Pictures and Audio Ciné Films (ACF) Inc. who represent most of the major distributors including Paramount, Universal, Alliance Atlantis, New Line Cinema, Miramax, Disney, Veggie Tales and many, many more!  For more information about these licenses, the fee structure, and how to apply, please visit:  The application deadline for a 2020 license is December 31st, 2019.  For any additional questions, please email or call Alexandra Belaskie at or 1-800-268-3781 x 4157

Our Mission, Our Vision – Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Gatherings

With four of the eight Our Mission, Our Vision regional gatherings complete and the information being analyzed, the next four meetings have been planned.  Anyone who wishes to attend is welcome to come to the gathering that is most convenient:
Fredericton Area  –  Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main St. Fredericton, January 8th @ 7:00 pm
Moncton Area – St Paul’s United Church, 404 Cleveland Ave., Riverview, January 15th @ 7:00 pm
St Andrews Area – Wesley United Church, 77 William St, St Andrews, January 20th @ 7:00 pm
Saint John Area – Hampton United Church, 24 Robb Ct. Hampton, January 21st @ 7:00 pm
Please register ahead of time so we know who and how many to expect.  You can register by emailing or by calling 506-977-1308.
