Guidelines for administering the bursary fund from the Vera Dickey Estate for Ministry Candidates of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters and Regional Council 15.

  1. Each year, the interest from the Vera Dickey bequest will be available for the financial assistance of a candidate(s) for the order of ministry from Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters and Regional Council 15 “in need of financial assistance”.
  2. Every Applicant must:
  3. Be approved by the Pastoral Charge as a candidate for the order of ministry of the United Church of Canada.
  4. Be enrolled for the current year in a Theological Schools that is affiliated with the United Church of Canada.
  5. Demonstrate a financial need in excess of present income from all sources (other bursaries, congregational/regional council support, supplemental income such as part-time work or spousal employment).
  6. Applicants are expected to present a detailed budget and financial statement with the application fro bursary assistance. Application should be received by the Office Manager of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters/Regional Council 15 no later than October 31.
  7. The Bursary payment(s) will be made annually in January.
  8. Bursary monies are NOT repayable in the case of a lapse in Candidacy.
  9. The Bursary Committee will decide, on the basis of each year’s applications, the number and amount of each bursary.


Dickey Bursary & Aitken Fund Assistance Financial Statement (PDF)

Dickey Bursary & Aitken Fund Assistance Financial Statement (Word)
