Please send any announcements to
Visit our new website
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.
Condolences: Ashley Jean Sheffield
Our sympathy is extended to Rev. Lori Beth Sheffield-Bowles & family on the passing of her sister and unborn nephew on September 23, 2019. A copy of the obituary can be viewed here.
Changes in Pastoral Charges RC14 & RC15
If changes to your Pastoral Charges occur the following form is available on the new website to notify General Council and the regional office of these changes, follow these links to access the forms for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (RC14) and RC15 (Nova Scotia & Bermuda)
Calendar of Events
We have been busy populating each of the Regional Council calendar of events. Please click on the calendar icon to view the Region’s upcoming meetings and events. If you would like to have a meeting or event added to the Regional calendar fill out the form found at the top of each calendar or on the forms page and submit.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council Calendar of Events
Regional Council 15 Calendar of Events
Appointments – Region Council 15
There are approximately 36 ministries under Appointment in Region 15, with most of them ending in June 2020. This can produce a significant volume of work for the Pastoral Relations Committee as most of these ministries will seek to be Renewed. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your request for Renewal to the Region for approval. General Council is now requiring new Appointments and Calls to be processed through ChurchHub, so it will be wise to set some time aside to become oriented to this new approach. Ministry Personnel seeking to be Appointed or to have their Appointment Renewed will need to verify their eligibility through their personal account on ChurchHub and the Office of Vocation (Andrew Richardson, For more information, please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt For assistance with ChurchHub, please contact Deb Kigar at General Council
Intermediates at Conference is looking for facilitators
Intermediates at Conference is looking for facilitators for 2020! I@C is youth event for grades 7-9, that is only made possible by our incredible volunteers. If you have a passion for youth, and are looking for a way to give back to the youth in our church, we would love for you to join our team! Facilitators need to be at least 18 years old by the start of conference, and be available from May 21-24, 2020, complete the form here.
United Church of Canada Historical Commemorations Program
Keswick Ridge United Church, of the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region, has been recognized recently by the General Council Archivist to be a significant place within the United Church of Canada. A framed certificate is hung in the front foyer of the church. This honour was the result of an approved nomination for the United Church of Canada Historical Commemorations Program. View the nomination here.
Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Atlantic: Learning Unit 2 (Lent-Eastertide)
Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Atlantic: Learning Unit 2 (Lent-Eastertide) will be held at Tatamagouche Centre, Feb.21-23. Instructors are Rev. Dr. Andy O’Neill and Rev. Robyn Brown-Hewitt. For more information see this Poster or contact or
Halifax Interfaith Harmony Week, February 1 – 9, 2020 – Nurturing Connections
You are invited to participate in the events of Halifax Interfaith Harmony Week! During the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week, a wide variety of sacred spaces and spiritual meeting places open their doors to welcome the public. View the 2020 IHW Celebration Sacred Spaces Calendar here. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet our neighbours, participate in worship and ritual, engage in meaningful conversations, and deepen interfaith understanding. See
There are different ways to participate:
1. Visit the Sacred Spaces. This Calendar provides dates and places: 2. Interfaith Engagement Program. An opportunity to participate in the week’s events in a more intentional manner. Open to all at no cost.
3. Interfaith Celebration. 2 – 4:00pm Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020. Halifax Central Library.
Convocation Atlantic School of Theology 2020
Mark your calendars: The Atlantic School of Theology will be held on May 9, 2020 at 11:00 am at St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church, 6903 Mumford Road, Halifax, NS
Pastoral Care Workshop
Please Join Us in Bridgewater at the United Church, 87 Hillcrest St.,Thursday April 23 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Workshop on CARING
– Caring for Self
– Caring for Our Church Family
– Caring for the Wider
Scriptures and Stories will be shared. There will be Reflections from Ministry Personnel and thoughts from Laity. We are planning Panels and Discussion and Lunch. Send us your suggestions or call with questions: Marg Forbes 902-542-495; Corrine Zinck 543-4696 or Cindy Embree 656-2793