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Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15
Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters
Making Hope Visible – Podcast
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.
Condolences: Audrey Greer
Our sympathy is extended to the family of Audrey Greer, who passed away on March 12, 2020. A copy of the obituary can be viewed here.
Condolences: Barbara Fisher
Our sympathy is extended to Rev. Lynda MacCulloch and family, whose sister Barbara Fisher passed away on March 18, 2020. A copy of the obituary can be viewed here.
COVID-19 Regional Update
Please read the Memo to Communities of Faith March 24, 2020 from Executive Minister Faith March-MacCuish.
PAR Authorization Form
Pastoral Charge Reps Check-in with Region 15
Lay Representatives from Pastoral Charges to Region 15 are invited to a Zoom check-in gathering on Friday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m. Region President Janet Sollows, Executive Minister Faith March-MacCuish and Regional Minister David Hewitt will participate in this Zoom exchange. There will be opportunities to check-in, share experiences, ask questions and receive information. Please register to confirm that you will participate.Please register in advance for this meeting by clicking the link below:–tpzkpQ5cHncRTlBFogQR1LTruCQ After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
For more information, please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt
Encouraging Giving In the Midst of Church Closures
This past couple of weeks have been challenging, and I pray hopeful, as we have been forced to experiment with new ways to be the church to one another. This has included new ways to worship when we can’t physically be together. And yet, I know many churches congregations are anxious about how they will continue to support their important ministries and the ministry we do together through Mission & Service. People not meeting and physically putting an offering in the plates is a real thing. Although that is the way we have done it for so long, there are other ways. As we know, God’s work is never done. Ministry continues during the week, over months and years. It is immeasurable and powerful in the way it touches people even when we don’t see them face to face. Please continue your offerings to mission and ministry and/or use another way to make your meaningful gift this week, this month, this year. Linked is a summary page about the use of Canada Helps. It’s a reminder that you can be encouraging people to continue their giving on-line through Canada Helps. Every congregation already has a page on Canada Helps, and RIGHT NOW people can go to the link and make a donation to the congregation. I encourage leaders of congregations to go on and edit their congregation’s area to make it pretty, inviting and compelling. That’s easy and is part of this attachment. If interested, here is a great article by Lori Guenther Reesor on online giving for churches: Online Giving for Offline Churches.
You can also encourage people to make out postdated monthly cheques and put them in the old fashioned mailbox and sign up for PAR (also attached). I suggest that churches edit the PAR form to already have your information on it, making the form as simple as possible for folks to use. To speed things up, might I suggest churches scan their completed PAR Forms and send to Judith Gomes by e-mail – Also encourage people to make up Sundays offering they have missed with a lump sum donation at some point. Rev. Roger Janes, Stewardship & Gifts Officer, Atlantic Canada
Special Episode of Making Hope Visible Podcast – COVID-19 Check-in
Listen to this special episode recorded during the first week of COVID-19 responses in eastern Canada, host, Laura Hunter talks to people in a variety of ministry sites to hear the steps being taken and how people are responding. She speaks with Peter and Melissa Elliot from the Jimmy Pratt Outreach Centre in St. John’s, Newfoundland as they prepare to keep food flowing safely to patrons. Laura offers reflections from a conversation with Liz Dawson, from North West River, Labrador. Then she talks with team ministers, Andrew O’Neill and Steve Berube at St. Paul’s a larger church located in Riverview, NB, about changes in worship, pastoral care, family life, and international friendships in the midst of a global pandemic. Later in the episode, Rev. Faith March-MacCuish, the Executive Minister of the 3 Atlantic Regions of the United Church of Canada, offers detailed descriptions of the supports, encouragements, and directions given to ministries in these troubling times.
Caring Workshop – Rescheduled
The Caring Workshop on the south shore of Nova Scotia is now being planned for early October. Please note that the workshop will not be held on April 23 as previously posted in Announcements. Take Good Care Everyone.
UCW Biennial April 2020 – Cancelled
The UCW Biennial of April 2020 has been cancelled due to the restrictions of the Covid 19 Virus. As time goes on and we work through these changing times we will have a discussion on when our Biennial will take place. Don’t forget to cancel your hotel reservation if you have already made one.
Upcoming dates to be aware of are:
June Executive meeting – June 22
UCW Day at Berwick camp – July 29th
Appreciation day at Tatamagouche Center – September 24th
All these things will be updated as time goes on. As directives come from Provinces, Regional Councils, and Facilities we will let you know. So far these gatherings/meetings are going ahead but as you all know we live by daily change…and we will try to keep on top of things.
Please be aware that we will no longer be using the title of Presbyterial in the language concerning MUCW. We will now be known as Districts. Ie: Chignecto District, Halifax District, Bermuda District …and so on.
Faith Stories & Covenants” Committee Region 15
Greetings from your friendly Region 15 “Faith Stories & Covenants” Committee One of our tasks for this year and the coming years is to gather Annual Reports from all of the Communities of Faith in our Region. We appreciate and thank you for the time and consideration it takes to prepare your Annual Report.These reports provide valuable information for UCC congregational and archival records, and we encourage you to submit them as soon as possible.The preference is for a digital copy in PDF format to Hardcopy can be mailed to: Tracey Rose, Region 15, 21 Wright Street, Sackville, NB, E4L 4P8
UCW’s Let’s Look Ahead – Save the Date!
United Church Women make a difference in many places and many ways. Tatamagouche Centre is one of those places. We would like to say thank-you for all you do by inviting you for a day at the Centre. After our spring of “social distancing” we hope it will be a delight to come together in the fall. Mark Thursday, Sept. 24th , 2020 on your calendar and plan to come for a day of program, lunch, and fun in Tatamagouche. Watch for information about registering for this event in the near future! UCW Appreciation day poster.
United In Giving – Free Webinars
View the COVID-19 Special FREE Webinars