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Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15       

Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council Annual Meeting

The business portion of the annual meeting will take place on September 26, 2020 from 1:30pm-5:00pm (Atlantic) by zoom video conferencing (we ask that you join at 1:00pm). More details will follow.

View the June 17, 2020 letter from the Executive Minister here.

Please check the Annual Meeting web page for reports and information regarding the meeting.

Summer Services

The region is busy preparing for summer services for your Communities of Faith within the three regions represented by UCC East. One service is complete! Three others are in various stages of completion waiting for various parts to be received to be included in the videos. Print resources for each service will be available for our Communities of Faith to use in addition to the video download.
The completion date for all four is June 25th. If you need access to any of the services prior to that date, please contact Audrey lounder at

Region 15 Annual Meeting Evaluation 

We would ask everyone who attended the Regional Council 15 annual meeting to take a few minutes to fill out the online evaluation form by the end of June.

Regional Re-Entry PowerPoint & Re-Entry Checklist

View the Regional Council Re-entry PowerPoint using this link.

View the Re-entry Checklist using this link.

Listing of Online Worship

The General Council of The United Church of Canada is maintaining a map listing of all pastoral charges that are offering online worship experiences. Please follow the link below to find online worship, or to post your pastoral charge as offering online worship:

Regional Council 15 Faith Formation and Leadership Development Team Questionnaire 

The Faith Formation and Leadership Development Team of Region 15 is a new committee and we need your help to determine how we can best serve you. The survey has just NINE questions. To find the online link click here. For a Paper Copy to print and mail out to folks without a computer please click here.

Church in Mission Prayer Rooms

Church in Mission Unit is offering an opportunity to Pray for each other across the Country from East to West.  Given these uncertain and overwhelming times for our congregation and leaders, we invite you to join a facilitated half hour online time of prayer (modeled after the Prayer Room at GC43), to pray for every pastoral charge by name.  Prayer rooms will happen throughout the summer beginning with the East and working our way to the West hosting one prayer session per region once a week.  Nothing is required except your presence.
View the full Prayer Room across the Regions schedule and zoom links here.

Completing the Annual Declaration of Criminal Charges

From April 1 to June 30, ministry personnel (including candidates in Supervised Ministry Education appointments or other appointments) will be able to submit their annual declaration on criminal charges form on ChurchHub. This form needs to be filled out no later than June 30, 2020 to remain compliant, including being eligible for calls or appointments and for licenses for sacraments and marriages. To fill out the annual declaration, log in to ChurchHub and “My Ministry Page.” Look to the right for the “My Professional Requirements” box and then select the “Annual Declaration 2020” link.
If you completed your annual declaration anytime from Jan-Mar 2020, then you actually were completing your 2019 annual declaration. So you will need to log into ChurchHub and complete your annual declaration for 2020.  If you have any issues or questions please contact the Office of Vocation Minister Andrew Richardson at

Summer Resources for Church and Home from the Prayer Bench Summer Sabbath Series 2020: The Inventions of Summer*

Four Devotions for Your Staycation, Back Deck or When your Church Takes a Summer Sabbath.

~ A resource to deepen prayer & spirituality
~ Is your church taking a Summer Sabbath? Here is a resource to use over four Sundays.
~Sending out Faith Formation emails during this time of COVID-19? You can share this one.
~Planning a summer worship series, here is the basis of a theme. $25  Learn more here:

Pilgrim in Residence Retreat – This retreat invites you to plan a pilgrimage for yourself. You won’t leave home. You become a Pilgrim in Residence for whatever time you have in your own backyard. Staying in your cell teaches us how to make silence, how to listen to the voice that whispers when our restlessness settles, how to share communion with the landscape around us, how to make diligent effort in prayer and bind the wounds that come from living through our days.  The retreat offers suggestions for Getting Ready, for Departing, for Arriving and for Return. $9.99   Learn more:                             * Please NOTE: Order “Summer Sabbath” from June 15-19  and “Pilgrim in Residence” is included with it.

Property Report Region 15

View the current Property Report in Region 15 below:

  1. Property Report A-Z – all properties recorded as at end of May 2020
  2. Property Report Postcode
  3. Property Record Form – for recording any properties not currently listed

*Please note that if your Pastoral Charge does not own any property it will not appear on the list.   Property forms received by the end of May are included in this update, information received after that will appear in the next update.  You can also access the attachments on the website using the following link

Surplus communion supplies and offering plates

Visions United Pastoral Charge has surplus communion supplies and offering plates that it would like to find a new home for. Please view the items here.  If interested, please contact Claudia Schaerer at or phone (506) 389-4320.

