Weekly Announcements April 7, 2020

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council
Weekly Announcements
April 15, 2020


Staff Directory

Making Hope Visible Podcast – Justice and Mission Network of the Atlantic Regions of The United Church of Canada

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council is now on Facebook!

Easter Prayer from Rev. Peggy Johnson, President, First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council
Dear Friends. As President of First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council, I greet you this Easter week in the name of our Risen Christ. Although we are not able to gather as congregations, I pray we will all feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as our spirits mingle in our virtual world. I am sure we are all feeling that the edge has been somewhat taken off our joy because of the COVID-19 pandemic which has our world in its grip. As my heart reaches out to you all, I would ask that we all take a moment and lift up in prayer all those who have been in any way touched.

Let Us Pray:
Compassionate God, our hearts ache for all those afflicted in any way by the coronavirus but in particular, we offer up heartfelt prayers for those three families in our Province who have lost loved ones. Grant them your comfort and peace, loving God, for we believe you hear the cries of your children;

Almighty and most merciful God, source of all life and healing, look with compassion, we pray, on all who suffer from the disease that healing may come through the power of your Holy Spirit working with Medical Science. Grant strength, safety and protection, we pray, to those caring for the afflicted whether they be family members in their homes or doctors, nurses and other health care workers in hospitals and other institutions. We lift up as well all those deemed as essential workers who are on the front lines daily, risking their lives for our safety. God of all creation, we plead inspiration for those in the scientific world who are working frantically to create a vaccine to end this pandemic.

We lift our prayers for our political leaders at every level of government that your great wisdom would guide them in their decision making. Encourage them as they vigilantly seek to enforce protective and safety measures for the public. Impress your will into the hearts and minds of all your people that they may obey the instructions laid down by our health officials to protect each other and defeat the spread of the virus.

Teach us all to be your faithful people in this time of crisis. Help us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, our Faithful Shepherd whose earthly ministry was one of healing and example and whose death procured for us the gift of eternal life. We lift these our prayers in his name. Amen

When the Crisis Becomes Critical
Regional direction for pastoral charges facing payroll challenges.

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council Page Emergency Response Link
Stay updated with Emergency Response Updates on COVID-19 on the First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council web page.

Centre for Christian Studies Pastoral Care Workshop
Join the Centre for Christian Studies for a Pastoral Care workshop using the Spiral Reflection Model as a framework for pastoral conversations, decision making and personal reflection.
When: April 21, 2020 11:00 AM (Central Daylight Time (US and Canada))
Please register in advance for this meeting (no fee, donations gratefully accepted), and join to imagine church differently: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uJIlduuvqzgpfSjDjkl7L8z5VbkBUroqJg
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you have news to share relating to First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council, please share it with us and we will include it in our weekly announcements. Send any information to: info4rc16@united-church.ca

United Church Bookstore
Our bookstore remains open during this trying time. If you need any supplies from the bookstore, please contact Leona at 1-800-268-3781, Ext. 6141 or llaundry@united-church.ca and arrangements can be made for you to get your package in a safe manner or by mail.
