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Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15       

Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.

Sackville Regional Office 2020 Summer Hours

Due to the ongoing restrictions regarding the pandemic, the office at 21 Wright Street currently remains closed. Staff continue to work remotely from home on secure devices during regular business hours.  Effective June 29, 2020 through to and including September 4th, 2020, the summer hours for the office will be: 8:30am-4:00pm Monday to Friday

Mission Grant Applications for 2021

2021 Mission Grant applications are now available. Please click on the below Regional application letter and click here to download the Word version of the application form.

2020 Application Letter for 2021 MSG Grants Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council

2020 Application Letter for 2021 MSG Grants Regional Council 15

Church in Mission Prayer Rooms

Church in Mission Unit is offering an opportunity to Pray for each other across the Country from East to West.  Given these uncertain and overwhelming times for our congregation and leaders, we invite you to join a facilitated half hour online time of prayer (modeled after the Prayer Room at GC43), to pray for every pastoral charge by name.  Prayer rooms will happen throughout the summer beginning with the East and working our way to the West hosting one prayer session per region once a week.  Nothing is required except your presence.
View the full Prayer Room across the Regions schedule and zoom links here.

Region 15 Pastoral Relations News – June 2020

Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Bill Drysdale, DLM, with the collaborative ministry of Cumberland Pastoral Charge (20 hours/week) and McCully Pastoral Charge (15 hours/week), July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
– Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Mary Lynne Whyte, full time, with Woodlawn United Church, Dartmouth, November 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021.
– Approved the SME Appointment of Rick Gunn with North Highlands Pastoral Charge, full time,  August 4, 2020 to April 4, 2021.
– Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Wayne Jarvis, DLM, with Northumberland Pastoral Charge, 20 hours/week, July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022.
– Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Norma Mills, DLM, with Waterview Pastoral Charge, 20 hours/week, July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
– Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Heather Fraser with St. Luke’s United Church, Tantallon, 32 hours/week, July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
– Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Lynda MacCulloch with Brunswick Street North River Pastoral Charge, Truro, 20 hours/week, July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
-Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Bob Biggar with Donkin, Morien, Birch Grove Pastoral Charge, 20 hours/week, August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021.
-Approved the change in starting date for the previously approved Provisional Appointment of Mavis Peters with Hopewell Eureka East River Pastoral Charge from September 1, 2020 to August 1, 2020.
-Approved the change in terms of Call for Kathleen Anderson with Crossroads Pastoral Charge from full time to 20 hours per week, effective July 1, 2020.
-Approved the change in position description for Rick Gunn, Candidate, with Bedford United Church to include licensing for marriages, effective immediately.
-Approved the profile materials for Dalhousie Campus Ministry.
-Approved the profile materials and position description for St. Andrew’s Wesley, Springhill Pastoral Charge, and authorize Search to begin.
-Approved the proposed position for Music Ministry Leader at Bedford United Church as a category 3 Congregational Designated Minister, subject to review at the time of hiring.

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Pastoral Relations Committee

Greetings from your Fundy St. Lawrence  Dawning Waters  Pastoral Relations Committee.  We want you to be aware that our committee will meet on July 21 and August 18.  If you will have Living Faith Story profiles that require approval the committee needs them submitted one week prior to the meeting dates. If you have been asked to do subsequent work on your reports or provide further financial information the same timeline applies.If you have a reappointment happening or a new call the committee also needs that information a week prior to the meeting.  If you are struggling with the church hub make sure you submit the terms of reappointment or call by email to the committee secretary   May you all have a safe, healthy and restful summer.

Fellowship Communion

As some restrictions start to ease and churches are permitted to hold services, the bookstore thought it would bring the idea of Fellowship Communion to your attention.  A little pack holds the wafer and the juice in one container, instructions are given describing exactly how to open the cup, you just peel back the cover to use. It’s a wonderful idea to be able to use these during communion services. Everyone can handle their own cups. These items will not expire until one year after packaging.  Leona Laundry is taking pre-orders for this product. If this is something your church is interested in purchasing, please let her know as soon as possible.  Deadline to order is: Thursday July 2, 2020.  Full details are shown here

Rural Routes through the Holy: Recognizing, Replenishing, Rejoicing

Sometimes we experience a sense that  voices in rural places are not easily heard.  Rural Routes through the Holy: Recognizing, Replenishing, Rejoicing, and this survey as a small part of it, are attempts to offer a space for listening.  While our gathering in 2019 invited those in Regions 14 & 15, further conversations have encouraged us to extend our invitation to Region 16 as well.  So please take the few minutes it will take to fill out this survey and please share it with others you know in rural congregations.  Encourage one another. We are listening.  Catherine, Kerry and Martin  Rural Routes through the Holy


