First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council
Weekly Announcements
July 7, 2020

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council Page Emergency Response Link

Staff Directory

United Church Bookstore & Gifts

Making Hope Visible Podcast – Justice and Mission Network of the Atlantic Regions of The United Church of Canada

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council is now on Facebook!

UCC Regions East YouTube Chanel

Weekly Prayer from Rev. Dr. Simon Muwowo, Burin and Epworth Pastoral Charges
Let us pray. Lord Jesus, we come to you today and thank you for the privilege of praying for others. We have been the recipients of others’ prayers so often; we understand how powerful intercessory prayer can be. We ask you first to cleanse our hearts and show us if there is any unconfessed sin in our own lives so that our prayers for others will not be hindered. We thank you that through your name, we can come boldly before you, pray with confidence, according to your will, and know that you hear us. We lift up our church leaders within the First Dawn Eastern Edge Region of The United Church of Canada; we also lift up our Provincial Government leaders and all people in our neighborhoods, our cities, towns and communities in our blessed Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and in our church communities of faith in all Pastoral Charges. Begin with those who follow you, and help them influence others for good. Let them be salt and light, pointing others to you. Deepen their love for you and for the people around them. Guard them from hypocrisy or from giving in to temptations that could harm the cause of Christ. Raise up leaders who will serve you faithfully at all costs in all circumstances. 

Turn the hearts of fathers and mothers everywhere toward their children and families toward you. Help them to exemplify your values and make them bold in their unique faith journeys. Strengthen our own families and those closest to us, Lord. May our love for you help us to love and forgive others and make a difference in our world. We pray for the lost, the hurting, the lonely, the sick, the bereaved, and those who are imprisoned—behind both visible and invisible walls. Send your comfort, your peace, and your calming presence to those who are without hope. Protect the defenseless, and hold them close to your heart. We pray for labourers to tell the good news of Jesus to people around our world. Lord Jesus, today our hearts cry out for all first responders who have worked and are still working so hard in our communities during this pandemic. Continue to make them brave, and give them your powerful protection as they serve. We pray that your joy and delight will be their strength. We have so many needs Lord Jesus, but you are adequate for every need. Your name is powerful, and your power is great. Therefore, it is in your name that we pray—and believe. Amen

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council 2020 Summer Hours
Due to the ongoing restrictions regarding the pandemic, the office and bookstore at 320 Elizabeth Avenue remain closed. Staff continue to work remotely from home on secure devices during regular business hours. Effective June 29, 2020 through to and including September 4, 2020, the summer hours for the staff will be:

8:30 am – 4:00 pm Monday to Thursday

8:30 am – 12:00 noon on Fridays

Blessings for a safe and enjoyable summer holiday season!

Church Re-Entry Checklist
Click on this link for the church re-entry checklist:

2021 Mission Support Grant Policies, Procedures, and Application

Deadline for completed application is August 31, 2020

It is that time of the year again to begin thinking about your ministry’s financial needs with respect to 2021 Mission Support Grants. It is important to know that the General Council has had to make a 17% cut to the 2021 grant allocation to the Regional Councils. The Regional Council has made a commitment to help ease the strain of those cuts for our ministries in 2021. It is unknown at this point, what we are able to accomplish so please note there may be cuts to your grants for 2021. While we are yet to know what 2022 will bring, we are asking ministries to begin planning financially for a reduction to your grants for 2022.

Please email completed application and all supporting documentation to Alison Piercey, First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council before the deadline of August 31, 2020.  If you have any questions, please be in contact with Alison.

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council Webpage Emergency Response Link
Stay updated with Emergency Response Updates on COVID-19 on the First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council webpage.

If you have news to share relating to First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council, please share it with us and we will include it in our weekly announcements.

Send any information to:

Accessibility Funding Available 
Congregations applying for capital funding from Accessibility Services Canada will typically need a form letter from the General Council Office and/or Regional Council Office explaining the unique structure of The United Church of Canada. This can be requested of Maria Pimpinella or Erik Mathiesen.

Enabling Accessibility Fund
The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) provides funding for projects that make communities and work places more accessible for persons with disabilities. Non-profits, businesses, small municipalities and Indigenous organizations can apply for up to $100,000 for:

  • Small construction such as ramps; renovation such as accessible washrooms; or retrofit of existing spaces to improve accessibility such as accessible doors
  • Accessible information and communication technologies

Application Deadline: July 13, 2020

Click here for more information: Accessibility Funding Information

Youth Accessibility Leader
The EAF is also accepting applications from dynamic youth between 15 and 30 years of age who want to demonstrate leadership and a commitment to their communities. Youth volunteer their time to build a more accessible Canada.

Application Deadline: October 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm (EDT)

Click here for more information: Youth Accessibility Leader Program details and application

Prayer Room Ministry
Church in Mission Unit is offering weekly Prayer Rooms for each Regional Council. Congregations and leaders are invited to join facilitated half-hour online times of prayer (modeled after the Prayer Room at GC43) to pray for every pastoral charge by name. Nothing is required except your presence.

Sign up online and join us every Tuesday on Zoom at 1:00 PM EDT beginning June 2, 2020 running until mid September

July 14, 2020: Shining Waters
July 21, 2020: Horseshoe Falls
July 28, 2020: Western Ontario Waterways
August 4, 2020: Antler River Watershed
August 11, 2020: Canadian Shield
August 18, 2020: Prairie to Pine
August 25, 2020: Living Skies
September 1, 2020: Chinook Winds
September 8, 2020: Northern Spirit
September 15, 2020: Pacific Mountain
