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Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15
Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters
Making Hope Visible – Podcast
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Pre-Annual Meeting Webinars
Webinar #1 – Wednesday, September 9, 12:00PM (NOON) TO 1:00PM, Lunch and Learn *Watch the webinar here*
Introduction to Zoom Annual Meeting Format/2021 Budget/2019 Audited Statement
Webinar #2 – Monday, September 14, 7:00PM TO 8:30PM
Chairs of Committees Presentation of Reports and Questions/ Remit/Proposals
Webinar #3 – Thursday, September 17, 7:00PM TO 8:30PM
Vision, Mission and Core Values/Affirm Statement and Education
View the memo for more information on the Zoom meetings. All meetings will be recorded and available on the website shortly after the event.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council Annual Meeting
The deadline to register for the annual meeting is Monday, September 14. The business portion of the annual meeting will take place on September 26, 2020 from 1:30pm-5:00pm (Atlantic) by zoom video conferencing (we ask that you join at 1:00pm). View the June 17, 2020 letter from the Executive Minister here.
Please check the Annual Meeting web page for reports and information regarding the meeting.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters – How Are You Celebrating? We Want to See Photos!
In preparation for the Annual Meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters region on September 26th, the Worship Team is inviting YOU, as individuals and communities of faith, to send us photos showing us how you are choosing to celebrate your life and your faith during this time of uncertainty. We are looking for those special moments, big and small, that are bringing you joy right now! We will be sharing these photos in worship during our virtual Annual Meeting to remind us of all that we have to celebrate, even during difficult and changing times. Send your photo(s) to by the end of the day on Friday, September 18th. Please note: when taking pictures to share with us, remember to take the pictures in landscape orientation on your phone or camera for optimal viewing!
Covenanting Service for The Reverend Phillip Kennedy, the Clifton Pastoral Charge, and Region 15 on September 13
The Covenanting Service between The Reverend Phillip Kennedy, the Clifton Pastoral Charge and Region 15 will take place at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 13th in the field next to the Old Barns United Church (2603 Highway 236).
Bring your own chair, wear a mask and respect social distancing. If you want/need water, bring your own, thank you. No refreshments will be served.
In the case of inclement weather, the service will take place at The Round Barn Farm (3214 Highway 236).
UCW Gathering at Tatamagouche Centre Postponed
The in-person UCW Appreciation Day planned for Sept. 24th is postponed until a time when we can gather with a higher level of confidence and safety. The gifts and work of UCW in support of Tatamagouche Centre is still greatly appreciated, and we look forward to a chance to celebrate that in the future.
Online Book Study – Climate Church, Climate World – October 1st – 30th
Register now!
Season of Creation is upon us in the liturgical calendar (although we know that ALL seasons are “of Creation”) . Want to dig deeper into how communities of faith can respond to climate crisis?
Register now for 5-week online book study to read and discuss “Climate Church, Climate World” by Jim Antal, starting Oct. 1st. Thursday mornings, 10am-11:30 Atlantic, hosted on Zoom.
Deadline for book orders is Sept. 11th.
Face of Poverty Consultation (FACE) – A Just Recovery from COVID-19
The Face of Poverty Consultation works to increase awareness of poverty, to encourage action, and to advocate for government policy change to eliminate poverty. As you may know, the pandemic has exposed the significant inequalities that exist within our society.
We are writing to urge you to have your voice heard when it comes to creating a post-COVID-19 world that will address the gaps and leave no one excluded.
There are many opportunities to be involved in calling for a Just Recovery. Please click here to see a list of some of the ways in which you can be involved.