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Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15       

Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.

Condolences: Stewart Edward Fram

Our sympathy is extended to the Rev. Stephen Fram, and family, whose father passed away on September 24, 2020. A copy of the obituary can be viewed here.

Region 15 Ministry and Personnel (M&P) Committee Training via Zoom webinar

Introductory M&P Workshop – purpose and function of M&P, resources
Saturday, October 10, 2020 – 10 a.m. to 12 noon
Register here

M&P Annual Reviews – processes and resources for annual reviews of lay and ministry staff
Joint webinar with Shining Waters Region
Saturday, November 14, 2020 – 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Register here

For more information, please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt at

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Annual Meeting Evaluation Form

We would ask everyone who attended the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters annual meeting to take a few minutes to fill out the online evaluation form by October 16.

Region 15 – Official Members to Regional Council Submissions

Would any Pastoral Charges that have not already submitted their Official Members to Regional Council please do so using this link.   The regional office will be following up shortly on those not yet received. If you are not sure if your Pastoral Charge has submitted the form email for confirmation.  Thank you.

Centre for Christian Studies for CCS Fridays

Join the online conversations to help us all to respond faithfully to emerging issues in local contexts.  These workshops are open to anyone who might be interested. Each session will be on a Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 CT and in the form of a Zoom workshop.  There will be a presentation that will be recorded for future viewing, plus opportunities to engage with the ideas in small groups. The first CCS Friday is on the topic “Imagine Church Differently: What is church when we can’t gather?”  It will be an exploration of ecclesiology and the implications of what we believe about church.
When: October 9, 2020 12:00 noon Central Daylight Time (US and Canada)  Please register in advance for this meeting (no fee, donations gratefully accepted), and join us to imagine church differently:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Do you care about protecting children and/or about peace with justice?

Palestinian families live in constant awareness that Israeli soldiers could invade their house at any hour of the day or night and take a child away – often for arbitrary reasons and for an unknown length of time. . According to UNICEF and ‘Defence for Children International Palestine’, a United Church partner in mission, every year an average of 700 Palestinian children are arrested, mistreated, detained and prosecuted in Israel’s military court system. Read further details and how to sign the e-petition here.

Invitation to join the Anglican Diocesan Environmental Network (DEN), Spiritually Connected Through Creation

Invitation to join the Anglican Diocesan Environmental Network (DEN), Spiritually Connected Through Creation. Thursdays 7pm on Zoom

From the Ecological Justice Working Group of the Justice, Mission, and Outreach Committees: United Church people are invited to join the Anglican Diocesan Environmental Network (DEN), Spiritually Connected Through Creation. Every Thursday at 7pm DEN offers reflection on an environmental issue via Zoom, from gardening to sustainable church buildings to mining justice. You decide what sessions you want to attend. To join, contact Rev Marian at

Thurs., Oct. 8th  Moving into the Community, The Antigonish Movement: A foundational approach and template for social change, caring for all of creation (including the poor/marginalized) and a post pandemic Just Recovery. Colleen Cameron will join us in conversation about the history of the Antigonish Movement, the basic premises, the impact of the movement and how it can be applied in the environment movement.

Thurs., Oct. 15th The story of SuNNS, the Sustainable Network of Northern Nova Scotia, in resisting gold mining in the French River watershed near Tatamagouche, with Kathryn Anderson and others. The French River runs beside Tatamagouche Centre.

