First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council
Weekly Announcements
September 22, 2020

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council Page Emergency Response Link

Staff Directory

United Church Bookstore & Gifts

Making Hope Visible Podcast – Justice and Mission Network of the Atlantic Regions of The United Church of Canada

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council is on Facebook!

UCC Regions East YouTube Chanel

Weekly Prayer from Mr. Oliver Dingwell, Candidate, Cowan Heights United Church
O God of all times and all places, in a world that is constantly changing, we seek the stability you provide. In a world where the hubbub of competing voices echo, we seek your still small voice. In a world in which many do not know where to turn, we seek your guidance. As many of us return to our church buildings for in-person worship, we ask for your guidance and protection in these unprecedented times. We give you thanks for the policies outlined by denominational staff and public health officials that will keep us safe as we praise your name. Guide us as we make our plans for the communities of faith that we love and serve, so that we might do what is best for both our physical and our spiritual well-being. Give us the strength to worship you in strange circumstances. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, and allow us to be faithful followers of Good News, looking out for the safety of all your beloved children, both first and last; last and first. Allow us to be guided not by our own wants and needs, but by your hand. O God, it is easy to say that we have entered our “new normal,” but we pray for all those whose lives will never return to normal. For those who have died from COVID-19, for families who mourn their loss, for those who must navigate their grief while distant from one another, for all those who have tested positive, for all those awaiting test results, for all those who are quarantined, for those who are lonely and afraid. Embrace them all, in your unending love. In these days of confusion, hectic-ness, and uncertainty, be with us. Allow us to hear your voice of reassurance and comfort. May we rest in the knowledge that you are our God, and you will be with us wherever we go, whatever we will face, for you are with us, always. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Tatamagouche Centre
Bring some soul and song into your life. Two great online programs starting in October. For more information, please use the following link: Programs at Tatamagouche

United Church of Canada – Appointment of New General Secretary
The United Church of Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Michael Blair as its new General Secretary beginning November 1, 2020. To learn more information, please follow this link: The United Church of Canada – General Secretary

2020 Annual Meetings of Communities of Faith
As we know, this is not a regular year for us. Some Communities of Faith have had their annual meetings. This is a reminder that the congregation or pastoral charge must meet annually (The Manual 2019, B.5.1). Those who have not yet had the opportunity to have their annual meeting, you still have time. We are pleased to let you know that CRA has extended the deadline that Annual Charitable Returns (T3010) are to be submitted from June 30 to the new deadline of December 31, 2020. We are encouraging those congregations/pastoral charges who have not yet had your meeting to do so as soon as possible. Some options as to how to host your meeting:

  1. Through the social media platform Zoom. Please contact Jennifer Taylor
  2. Through telephone conference call. Please contact Leona Laundry
  3. In person at your church holding to the current policy on limits and protocols. Please make sure your plan is in place and approved by your Board before doing in-person worship or meetings
  4. If your venue is not big enough for the distancing protocols, then you might consider asking to use a community hall or a neighboring congregation with a large-enough venue.

2019 Annual Reports
First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council will receive your Annual Reports through the Regional Office. Thank you for the care and time it has taken to produce your Annual Reports and thank you to those who have forwarded them to the office. These are your accountability reports to your congregation/pastoral charge and the Region. These reports provide valuable information about the work of your congregation/pastoral charge and help with the support of the Region, the divisions and teams. Please email the Annual Reports to If email is not a viable option for you, one hardcopy can be mailed to 320 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s, NL, A1B 1T9.

General Council Commissioners
Details will be sent in the coming days regarding the election of General Council Commissioners for 2022 General Council 44.

VOWR is seeking an interested person, or persons, to serve on its Radio Board. We are looking for a member, or adherent, of The United Church of Canada who has an interest in the Station and the ministry it shares. The Board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at Wesley United Church at 7:00 pm. If you have an interest in the station and think you might have gifts to share in its oversight, or if you would like more information, please feel free to contact Bill Mercer at

First Dawn Eastern Edge Annual Meeting Registration
Registration for the October 16-18, 2020 meeting of First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council is now open! As outlined in the July 20, 2020 memo, please note that all ministry personnel and lay members will have to register for the meeting in order to participate.  The deadline for registration is October 2, 2020. You will be required to fill out the registration form found on the website, using the registration link REGISTER HERE.

Annual Meeting Proposals Template
Please see the template and information for Proposals. The deadline for submission for proposals is Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at noon. Proposals that are time sensitive or require the action of the Region will be addressed at the AGM. Others will be forwarded to the Executive or held for the 2021 Annual Meeting. Information can be found on the Regional Council website: FDEE Proposals Template

Annual Meeting 2020 Information & Material
It will help all of us have a productive meeting in October to have as many people as possible take part in the webinars. Thank you for your commitment to this United Church of ours and to your First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council. As more information becomes available, it will be posted on the website. In preparation for the webinars and the Annual Meeting, please take the time to read the posted material, including the Agenda, accessed using the link: Annual Meeting 2020

Guidelines and Checklist for Re-Entry: Sunday Schools and Youth Groups
For updated information for re-entry into Sunday schools and youth groups, please follow this link: Re-entry Checklist

Children, Youth and Young Adults Network
Catherine Stuart is updating the network for Children, Youth and Young Adults. If leaders from your church/Sunday school/youth group/camp and friends would like to receive email updates about things happening in our regions regarding these groups, please email to be added to this list! Thanks

Save the Date
Annual Clergy Retreat: October 21-23, 2020 – Janice MacLean from Prayer Bench Ministry will be our guest presenter for the annual clergy gathering. More details to follow as the date gets closer.

Annual Fall Learning Event: November 5, 12 & 19, 2020 – This year our Fall Learning Event will take the form of on-line lunch and learn sessions with topics on Pastoral Relations. Thursdays, November 5, 12 & 19 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Please look forward to a survey narrowing down on the topics that will be most beneficial for each session.

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council Webpage Emergency Response Link
Stay updated with Emergency Response Updates on COVID-19 on the First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council webpage.

Fellowship Communion Box Pre-Orders
The United Church Bookstore is taking pre-orders for the Fellowship Communion Box. These communion cups are the ideal way to share communion in our Communities of Faith. The cups are individually sealed. Please email Leona Laundry or call 1-800-268-3781 ext. 6141 to place your order.

  • Box of 100          $61.95 tax included
  • Box of 250          $139.95 tax included
  • Box of 500          $199.95 tax included

If you have news to share relating to First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council, please share it with us and we will include it in our weekly announcements.

Send any information to:
