
Please send announcements to 

Staff Directory

 Holiday Hours for Regional Council Office

Regional Council Office will be closing on Wednesday, December 23, 2020 at 4:00 pm for the Christmas holidays.  Staff will be available again on Monday, January 4, 2021 at 8:00 am. In case of an emergency please contact Faith March-MacCuish, Executive Minister at 1-709-691-3524.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sackville Regional Councils (RC 15 and FSLDW) Office Re-opening to the Public

The Regional Council office will re-open to the public on January 11, 2021. Office hours will be 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. COVID-19 protocols will be in place. If you wish to meet with one of our staff, we ask that you please make an appointment in advance of your arrival. The doors will remain locked, please ring the bell on the door and someone will assist you. Before proceeding into the building please use the hand sanitizing station located in the entry way. Masks are mandatory in the building, please keep masks on while visiting our office, the staff will also keep theirs on while you visit with them. The meeting room will not be open for meetings at this point, we will inform everyone when this changes. Thank you for doing your part in helping to keep everyone safe.

NEW Weekly Announcements Starting in 2021

At the start of the new year we will be producing separate Regional weekly announcements and discontinue the joint announcements. Anyone who wishes to receive the new weekly announcements will need to sign up using the below links. Note that once you fill-out the information using the below link you will receive a confirmation that may go into your junk or spam folder, you will not be signed up until you confirm your subscription using the email you receive. If you would like to continue to see what is happening in each Region you are welcome to sign up for both Region’s weekly announcements. (Please do not unsubscribe from the current announcements.)

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council (NB, PEI, Gaspé) announcements

Regional Council 15 (NS, Bermuda) announcements

December 27, 2020 Service

The service for use on the Sunday after Christmas is available on the UCC YouTube channel, and the Order of Service and the Bulletin are available using these links

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters

Regional Council 15

Region 15 Pastoral Relations News – December 2020

  • Approved the Appointment of Dale Skinner to Woodlawn United Church as Supply, 20 hours/week, February 1 to April 30, 2021.
  • Approved the Appointment of Sandra Irving, Candidate, to St. David’s United Church, Port Hastings, 20 hours/week, February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2024.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Dianne Kempt, DLM, with Boularderie Pastoral Charge, 10 hours/week, January 17 to April 18, 2021.
  • Approved the Living Faith Story and Profile materials for Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge and authorize Search for full-time ministry personnel to begin.
  • Approved the Profile materials for Zion United Church, Liverpool and authorize Search for 10 hours/week ministry personnel to begin.
  • Approved the Appointment of Barbara Blois MacNaughton, Candidate, to St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury, full-time, May 2, 2021 to June 30, 2024.
  • Approved the Profile materials for Caledonia Pastoral Charge and authorize Search for 20 hours/week ministry personnel to begin.
  • Approved the Profile materials for Cobequid Pastoral Charge and authorize Search for 20 hours/week ministry personnel to begin.
  • Approved the Request for Change in Pastoral Relations from Alex Constable, Rivers of Grace United Church, Digby, effective June 30, 2021.

Atlantic Regions Ministry and Personnel Committees – Managing Conflict

A webinar for lay members of M&P Committees
Saturday, February 20, 2021
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Atlantic, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon Newfoundland

This webinar will be resourced by the three Regional Ministers of the Atlantic Regions, Kendall Harrison (Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters), David Hewitt (Region 15) and Heather Sandford (First Dawn Eastern Edge). Topics will include roles and responsibilities, stages of conflict, strategies for addressing conflict, resources and support.  An online registration form will be made available in early January. For more information, please contact the Regional Minister for your Region.

Recruitment for National Indigenous Committees: Closing date Monday January 11, 2021

Indigenous Justice Advisory Group (3 vacancies) The Indigenous Justice Advisory Group advises the National Indigenous Organization and the General Council Executive on matters related to Indigenous justice, the legacy of residential schools, and the Calls to Action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. This encompasses legal requirements, pastoral care, communication, healing, advocacy, education, reflection, spiritual renewal, and building right relations.
We are looking for three Indigenous members with a good awareness of Indigenous justice issues and familiarity with the legacy of the Indian Residential School system as well as the United Church’s history as it pertains to Indigenous ministry and justice. One of the three vacancies is for a youth/young adult (under the age of 35).  To express interest or to nomination someone, please use the Nomination form:

Indigenous Reference Group  (3 vacancies) We are looking for Indigenous members with an understanding of The United Church of Canada and its history pertaining to Indigenous ministry and justice. Reference Group members will have a commitment to helping the United Church become an anti-racist organization. Individuals who have a lived experience of residential schools or day schools or are Sixties Scoop Survivors are encouraged to apply.  To express interest or to nomination someone, please use the National Indigenous Committees Nomination form:

Call for Nominations: Board of Vocation and The Remedial Committee- Closing Date Monday January 11, 2021
Board of Vocation (3 vacancies)  The Board of Vocation is responsible for ensuring well-trained, accredited ministry personnel able to lead the church and its people in God’s mission in the world.  The Board of Vocation is seeking to broaden the lived experiences present in its membership with the addition of three new members who are francophone or racialized. To express interest or to nominate someone, please use this online form.

The Remedial Committee (2 vacancies) The Remedial Committee assesses findings related to the effectiveness of a ministry personnel or investigations about alleged breach of ethical standards. Investigator reports or reviews of ministry personnel come to this committee. Members of this committee should have experience dealing with reviews or serving on an oversight committee for a directed program. Members need to be committed to supporting someone in improving their pastoral skills. At this time, the committee is currently seeking individuals who are racialized and residing outside of British Columbia or Ontario. To express interest or to nominate someone, please use this online form.

