The UN Convention of the Rights of the Child was ratified on Nov. 20th, 1989 and so each year we celebrate by observing Children’s Sunday in worship on a Sunday close to that date.

This year, Regional Council 15 is asking Communities of Faith to consider using the occasion to highlight the need to protect the human rights of Palestinian children.  The situation for Palestinian children is desperate.

Children are an integral part of The United Church of Canada. From Communities of Faith to Camping Ministries to Outreach Ministries like afterschool programs and daycares, the call to nurture and care for children, as well as celebrating their gifts and the joy they bring, makes clear the place that Children play in our lives of faith and how we live that out.   When one child suffers, we all do.

Please consider this invitation to celebrate Children’s Sunday in an act of praise to God for children and all that they offer, in an act of solidarity with children who cannot advocate for themselves, and in an act of awakening to the many issues that children face here in Canada and around the world.

Worship Resources can be found on the Just Peace pages.


