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Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)
Making Hope Visible – Podcast
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.
Elected Members to Regional Council 2021
Please use the below link to view a memo from the Executive Minister, Faith March-MacCuish, regarding elected members to Regional Council for 2021.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Memo
FSLDW Covenant
This tripartite covenant is intended to assist the parties in working together to strengthen ministries in French and to seize the opportunity to grow our presence amongst Francophones across the territory of the region. We collectively understand the importance of Francophone identity in cultural and linguistic terms, even if it is not a predominant feature of this region…it is important to ensure that we do not undervalue the importance of the Francophone voice within the church along with its cultural context. It is also key that none of this work happens in isolation. This covenant intends to help the church honour these approaches for existing ministries and those that may be developed in the future.
The involvement of the General Secretary, through staff in the Ministries in French cluster and the Office of Vocation will provide support to ensure that we meet our common goals in this work. La Table and its nation-wide network of Francophone ministry personnel and laity will engage as the voice and actions of this work. The Regional Council will provide structure and local context in a manner consistent with the rest of its ministry in the region.
The Executive of Regional Council 15 endorsed this covenant with signature at the October 5, 2019 meeting of the Executive. The covenant has now been returned to the region having been signed by the other parties in the covenantal relationship with us. We share the completed covenant with you, and extend every blessing to the parties involved in this new relationship.
View the Covenant here, it can also be found under policies on the website using this link.
FSLDW Affirm Standing Committee Educational Events
A series of educational events are being offered by the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council Affirm Standing Committee. The webinars will each take place from 2:00pm – 3:00pm (Atlantic) using zoom video conferencing. Please share this information with your committees/networks and save the dates in your calendars! The schedule of events is as follows:
February 17, 2021 – Gender Diversity and Becoming an Ally
Register using this link After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.
Future Dates (Registration and details to follow closer to the event dates):
March 10, 2021: Becoming an Anti-Racist Church
April 15, 2021: What is Ableism?
May 13, 2021: Creating Safe Spaces
Atlantic Regions Ministry and Personnel Committees – Managing Conflict
A webinar for lay members of M&P Committees
Saturday, February 20, 2021
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Atlantic, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon Newfoundland
Register here – deadline to register Feb 15, 2020
This webinar will be resourced by the three Regional Ministers of the Atlantic Regions, Kendall Harrison (Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters), David Hewitt (Region 15) and Heather Sandford (First Dawn Eastern Edge). Topics will include roles and responsibilities, stages of conflict, strategies for addressing conflict, resources and support. For more information, please contact the Regional Minister for your Region.
Making Hope Visible Podcast – Anti-Racism – Latest Episode Live
Meet Adele Halliday, UCC Anti-racism and Equity Officer on the latest episode of Making Hope Visible with Laura Hunter. In this conversation, Adele explains clearly the differences between racism, racial justice, anti-racism and what it means to hold an “intercultural vision” in the United Church context. She also talks about how important it is for local communities of faith to be engaged in anti-racism work, and offers concrete examples of areas of racial injustices that are happening in the church. This is a conversation that will be helpful to all who are engaging in practicing anti-racism in their circles.
Find Anti-Racism resources on the United Church website. Resources for Regions East on Anti-Racism can be found here.
Pastoral Relations Committee – Survey
The Pastoral Relations Committee of the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council is seeking suggestions, thoughts, prayers and ideas around how we might go about addressing the portion of our mandate which reads: “supporting and encouraging ministry personnel”.
We are asking for you to reflect upon what the pastoral relations committee could consider which would offer such encouragement and support. You are encouraged to reflect as individuals, cluster groups, informal conversational groups. The survey is on the pastoral relations web-page here.
Please make your suggestions on the survey on-line. The committee will review them regularly. Blessings on the ministry you are providing during these pandemic times.
Glass Communion Glasses
Does your Church have glass communion glasses that you would like to reduce, reuse and recycle? Maritime United Church Women would be happy to accept your gift as we need 375 glasses for our 60th Anniversary Celebration. If you have glasses to give away please contact Debbie or Ruth or
Sharp Scholarship 2021
This scholarship is awarded to a student born in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward Island, who is Protestant, who is a non-smoker, and who has demonstrated financial need. Preference given to members of the United Church of Canada and to applicants from Prince Edward Island. View the 2021 Sharp Scholarship here.