December 17, 2020
Dear Members of The United Church of Canada’s three eastern Regional Councils,
It is my pleasure to provide you the below link to a Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas, prepared for our congregations and clergy by the Presidents and staff of the three Regional Councils. The intent of this service is to give you, as clergy, and you, as lay leaders, a rest on December 27, 2020, or use it at another time that you find more appropriate. I would like to thank all those who took the time to take part, to Catherine Stuart and Audrey Lounder for putting the service together, and to those who provided readings and music.
The links are copies of the service:
- The Order of Service as a Word document can be used without using the video if your church chooses to: Year B – Christmas 2 ORDO
- The Bulletin as a PDF is intended to go with the video: Year B – Christmas 2 Bulletin
The service has also been downloaded from the UCCEast YouTube Channel.
May you have a blessed Christmas!
Rev. Faith March-MacCuish, Executive Minister
UCC Regions East
A Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas
Order of Service as Word Document