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Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15 (RC15)
Making Hope Visible – Podcast
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.
Regional Council 15 (RC15) Committee Volunteer form.
Condolences: Jay Ettinger
Our sympathy is extended to Marty Clark Ettinger DLM, and family, whose husband Rev. Jay Ettinger passed away February 27, 2021. A copy of the obituary can be viewed here.
Condolences: Malcolm Cogswell
Our sympathy is extended to the family of Rev. Malcolm Cogswell who passed away February 21, 2021. A copy of the obituary can be viewed here
Nominations are Open for President-Elect
Regional Council 15 is seeking nominations for President-Elect. The President serves for a total of 3 years: as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The President-Elect will serve as a member of the Regional Executive, leading our Region in its work and ministry, within the bounds of Nova Scotia and Bermuda. Serving as President of the Region offers many unique and exciting opportunities to engage in the work and life of the Region. More information on the role of President can be found here.
As this election will take place through the Annual meeting held online, and due to the nature of the online voting process, no nominations will be accepted from the floor. All nominations must be received by May 13, 2021 at midnight. Nominations are open to all members of Region 15, including ministry personnel and lay representatives. To submit your nomination, please fill out the form here. The nomination form must include the name of the mover and seconder of the nomination. The Nominee, the mover and seconder must be members of Regional Council.
Region 15 Pastoral Relations News – February 2021
- Approved the Request for Change in Pastoral Relations from Natalie Buchanan Rutherford, Noel Pastoral Charge, effective June 1, 2021.
- Approved the Renewal of Appointment for Bill Gibson with Hantsport Pastoral Charge, 13 hours/week, May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022.
- Approved the position description for a half-time Supply Appointment at Grace United Church, Dartmouth during Sabbatical Leave in the Fall of 2021, and authorize Search to begin.
- Approved the Renewal of Appointment for Glenn MacLean with Onslow Belmont Pastoral Charge, 30 hours/week, July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
- Approved the Request for Change in Pastoral Relations from Grace Caines-Corkum, Lunenburg Pastoral Charge, effective January 29, 2021. Pay will continue for 90 days, and residency in the Manse may continue until May 31, 2021.
- Approved the Appointment of Heather Ferrier with Lunenburg Pastoral Charge, 15 hours/week, March 1, 2021 to June 27, 2021.
- Approved the Renewal of Appointment for David Lutes with New Germany Pastoral Charge, 13 hours/week, July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024.
- Approved the Call of Allan Lynk to the collaborative ministry of Lower Musquodoboit Pastoral Charge and Middle Musquodoboit Pastoral Charge, full time, effective March 1, 2021.
- Approved the open half-time position at Orchard Valley Pastoral Charge as eligible for Supervised Ministry Education (SME).
- Approved a full time Interim Ministry position for Woodlawn United Church, Dartmouth and authorize Search to begin.
- Approved the Profile materials and Position Description for St. Andrew’s United Church, Halifax, and approve the change in Terms of Call for Susan Chisholm.
Making Hope Visible – Environmental Racism with Dr. Ingrid Waldron
The latest podcast episode of Making Hope Visible is live.
Systemic racism may seem challenging to understand, but with examples from Dr. Ingrid Waldron’s research and her lively explanations of how threats to land and water, climate change, and the pandemic negatively impact Black and Indigenous communities, it becomes very clear. View this and previous podcasts here.
Gathered for Preaching – Available for Pre-Order
Taking orders for Gathered for Preaching. If you are interested in ordering this book please place your order by March 5, 2021.
A growing number of people are hearing the call from their churches & the Spirit to take up the essential ministry of preaching. Ross Bartlett explores many key practices and ideas that beginning preachers need to consider and experienced speakers may benefit from revisiting. He challenges us to be the very best we can be so that God’s people may hear the food news for their lives. Believing that we can all master the skills of clear communication, he invites the reader on a journey of discovery. $19.95 Tax Included contact or telephone 1-800-268-3781 ext 6141
Rural Routes Atlantic – Lent Practices
Rural Routes Atlantic is offering some simple practices for Lent in Covid days. Check out the second of our Three for Free, with thanks to Martin Dawson.