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Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15 (RC15)       

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Regional Council 15 (RC15) Committee Volunteer form.

Condolences: Yvette Swan

It is with permission from the family that we share the sad news that one of our ministers and friends, Yvette Swan has passed away.  Some of you may have been aware that she was on medical leave from her Pastoral Charge and after a short illness, she died on Sunday, April 18th, 2021.  Regional Council will remember her telling her story this fall and reminding us that racism is something people experience in the church and her courageous call to us as a denomination and as a people to work always towards an end to racism.

Many of us knew her as a United Church Minister, Yvette is described in the article here as being a pastor, a women’s advocate, a former United Bermuda Party Cabinet minister and senator.  Such a wonderful role model for so many.   Details about Yvette’s  funeral will be circulated when we have more information from the family.

We are happy that her partner, Malcolm and her son Dane were able to travel to be with her. She will certainly be missed by the Region, her Pastoral Charge,  but mostly she will be missed by those who were her close friends and her beloved family.

View an article from the Royal Gazette here.

Condolences: Garth Caseley

The Regional Office has been notified of the death of Rev. Garth Caseley. Our sympathies are extended to his family.  The obituary will be shared when it becomes available.

Annual Meeting Agenda

The Regional Council 15 Annual Meeting agenda is now available online, view using this link

Don’t forget to check the Annual Meeting page regularly as information is updated often.

General Council Commissioners

The 44th General Council of The United Church of Canada will meet in July 2022, entirely online, for the first time in the history of the United Church.  We encourage you to prayerfully consider serving as a General Council commissioner, which provides you a unique opportunity to be part of the wider church and have an impact on the future of The United Church of Canada. General Council Commissioners are voting members of the General Council meeting, and serve as commissioners for 3 years. More information about the role of a commissioner can be found here.

The Region 15 Regional Council will be electing the remaining six (6) commissioners and their alternates at our 2021 annual regional meeting.

After the 2020 election, 6 positions remain to be filled, plus alternates. To ensure balance and diversity, the 6 commissioners to be elected include:

  • One ministry personnel and 5 alternates: in seeking to create a balanced and diverse group, we strongly encourage nominations from those who identify as male or non-binary
  • 1 Youth Pilgrim, whose nomination will be determined following General Council procedures
  • 1 youth or young adult, under the age of 30, and 1 youth alternate
  • 3 additional representatives and 3 alternates, which may include Moderator nominees, lay representatives or ministry personnel.
  • 1 additional alternate for lay representative

Nominations will close on May 6, 2021 at 11:59pm. There will be no nominations received from the floor. All nominees must be either elected lay representatives of a community of faith within the bounds of Region 15, or ministry personnel within the bounds of Region 15. Each nomination needs to moved and seconded by someone other than the Nominee (no self nominations, please), and the mover and seconder must be a member of a community of faith within the bounds of Region 15. These nominations do not need to be passed through a governing body of a community of faith.

If you are interested in serving as a Commissioner to the 44th General Council, please fill out the form here. If you have, any questions, please be in touch with the Nominations committee chair, Rev. Alicia Cox,

Nominations are Open for President-Elect

Regional Council 15 is seeking nominations for President-Elect. The President serves for a total of 3 years: as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The President-Elect will serve as a member of the Regional Executive, leading our Region in its work and ministry, within the bounds of Nova Scotia and Bermuda. Serving as President of the Region offers many unique and exciting opportunities to engage in the work and life of the Region. More information on the role of President can be found here.

As this election will take place through the Annual meeting held online, and due to the nature of the online voting process, no nominations will be accepted from the floor. All nominations must be received by May 13, 2021 at midnight. Nominations are open to all members of Regional Council 15, including ministry personnel and lay representatives. To submit your nomination, please fill out the form here. The nomination form must include the name of the mover and seconder of the nomination. The Nominee, the mover and seconder must be members of Regional Council.

First annual Educational Event – The Association of United Church Clergy

The Association of United Church Clergy invites all ministry personnel to our first annual Educational Event.  With special guest leaders Janice MacLean (spiritual renewal) and Kevin Parks (digital media in ministry). Registration is free with your membership in the Association, $49.00 for non-members.  Thursday April 22nd, 9-12 on Zoom.  To register go to and scroll down to the registration link.  Hope to see you there!

Trustees Handbook

The General Council has now updated the Model of Trust handbook for use in congregations and it is available on the website (under Property Committee) using this link.

Seeking Narrative Lectionary Users

The Region 15 Faith Formation and Leadership Development Committee would like to offer an opportunity to explore the Narrative Lectionary together. For those who are unfamiliar with the NL, it’s a 4-year cycle of scripture readings which focuses on telling the major stories of our faith in narrative order, beginning each fall with units from the Hebrew Bible.
Because there’s a growing number of UCC congregations using the NL, we hope to share more information about this lectionary, brainstorm ideas for its use, and identify resources available for those using it. In order to do this, we need your help: If you’re currently using the NL, would you be willing to share your knowledge and experience with us? Can you help us to facilitate a wider conversation for those interested in learning more? If so, please contact Rev. Sharon Lohnes at We cannot offer this workshop without your help, so please carefully consider this request. With thanks from your FFLD Committee.

“Not Clean Energy!”

In their work addressing the climate crisis, the Ecological Justice Working Group has growing concerns about the proposals to explore Small Nuclear Reactors for NB as one possible solution.

Learn more about why the federal government’s plan to spend $50.5 Million funding for the untested/unproven Small Nuclear Reactor in New Brunswick, is a bad idea. Two webinars set up and co-hosted by the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in NB (CRED NB).    Why is the government spending citizens’ tax dollars in this sector for an unknown, unproven technology? This is not “clean energy”.   Here is chance to find out more:   April 26th and 29th, 7:30-9pm (Registration required)

Celebrate Earth Day! Join This Thursday for Climate Conversation

Earth Day, April 22nd at 11:30am – 1:30pm, the Ecological Justice Working Group is hosting an online conversation from For the Love of Creation, called “Creation, Climate, and You” – a gentle entry into talking about climate change and how it relates to our emotional and spiritual lives. A great start for those who are beginning  or seeking to make the connections between climate and faith or to experience a great resource for hosting conversations in your community:  Faithful Climate Conversations from “For the Love of Creation”.   Register here:

Lisa Kierstead McCully Memorial Bursary

Lisa Kierstead was one of 22 people whose lives were cut short on April 18, 2020.  As we pass the first anniversary of the incomprehensible violence of that day we’ve been informed of a memorial bursary that has been set up in Lisa’s name.

Lisa’s mother is Emily Kierstead, a retired diaconal minister, and step-dad Don Murray, retired Ministry, who live in Nova Scotia, and her father John Kierstead who lives in New Brunswick.

Mount Allison University, where Lisa graduated with a bachelor of arts, together with the New Brunswick University Opportunities Fund have initiated this memorial bursary for a student living in New Brunswick who attends Mount Allison and demonstrates a financial need.

View this link to read more about the bursary.

