Volunteer Opportunities
Call for nominations for United Church representatives to two of the Commissions of the Canadian Council of Churches.
- Commission on Faith and Witness – Seeking United Church members who have the capacity and interest to engage in ecumenical theological dialogue.
- Commission on Justice and Peace – Seeking United Church members who have experience and ability to engage ecumenically around justice issues, particularly, in relation to areas of anti-racism, including Indigenous/non-Indigenous Reconciliation, and Healing Poverty.
In both situations, members who identify as Indigenous, racialized, Francophone or from other marginalized communities are encourage to express interest, as they lived experiences would enrich the knowledge and abilities of the Commissions.
Please circulate and reach out to people you think should prayerfully consider these calls.
The deadline is June 15.
CCC commission-on-faith-and-witness
CCC commission-on-justice-and-peace