Please send announcements to 

Staff Directory

Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.

Regional Council Office 2021 Summer Hours – Sackville Office

Beginning on July 5, 2021, Regional Council Staff will start transitioning back to the office at 21 Wright Street, Sackville, in keeping with the easing of restrictions surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.

Please note:

  1. The office will remain closed to the general public until September 7, 2021. No walk-ins.
  2. The archives will operate using scheduled deliveries or mailings.
  3. Staff will continue to be available using phone, email and video conferencing. In person meetings will be accepted by appointment only, scheduled in advance.

Departing Message From Laura Hunter

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Well, it’s here.  My last day serving as your Minister for Justice and Mission in these 3 beautiful Regions.

I know I have said this many times already, but it is true… it has been my great privilege to do this work. Thank you for the guidance and support that has enabled me to learn and grow in this ministry. And thank you for the ways that you have recognized, respected, and appreciated the distinction of a call to Diaconal Ministry.

As I head into a new ministry as the Executive Director for Open Sky Co-operative, here in Sackville, NB, I am leaving feeling tremendously blessed by all the people, places, and sacred experiences that have marked these last 14 years.

Thank you again to all those who played any role in the many tributes, messages, and thoughtful gifts that I have received these last weeks.

I have updated my contact information in the directory of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region, if you wish to be in touch.

With love and gratitude,

Laura Hunter, DM

Requested Postponement of Peaceful Demonstration

Dear Members of Regional Councils East,

Two weeks ago you would have received a announcement with respect to the possibility of your church being  chosen for a peaceful demonstration on June 20th or beyond, in response to the children’s bodies revealed in in Kamloops.

Here in this Region, our Indigenous neighbours are feeling a need to take some action in the face of the widespread grief.   Trusted settler allies will support them in this.  They will be calling on people to stand quietly in front of churches whose denomination have had roles in running residential schools – namely Catholic, Anglican, and United – with symbols of orange crosses and red maple leaves.  There is no way to know how widespread this action will be.  At the moment it is planned particularly for New Brunswick, but it is possible it may spread widely.

In light of the additional revelations of unmarked graves at another residential school site. A request has come from Indigenous leaders involved, that we postpone peaceful demonstrations at our churches as there is need for healing in their communities.   We will let you know when these peaceful demonstrations will be rescheduled when/if we have the information. This is a time to allow the indigenous community to walk the path of mourning.  Let us walk respectfully and tenderly with one another in this painful time.  

Ukulele Church Camp

Calling All Ukulele Enthusiasts! If you’re not one yet, you just don’t know it! From July 19-23, join Linnea Good and Catherine Stuart for a week of Ukulele Church: Camp! Each day from 1pm-2:15pm Atlantic.  Follow the link to the website for more information!

Annual Meeting Evaluation Form Deadline is Today

We would ask everyone who attended the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council annual meeting to take a few minutes to fill out the online evaluation form today if you haven’t already done so.

Pastoral Charge Information Forms

We ask that the 2021 Pastoral Charge information form is completed as soon as possible by Pastoral Charges who have not yet submitted.  Our summer student will be contacting Pastoral Charges to follow up within the next week or so.  Link to form


St. John’s United Church, Fall River, Nova Scotia are looking for a Part-time Congregational Designated Minister – Children and Youth Program Leader, view further details here and visit the website to read the Community of Faith Profile 2021.

To apply, please forward your cover letter and resume to .  You will receive confirmation of receipt of your application package within 24 hours.  Applications will be received until 4:00 pm on Monday, July 19, 2021.

PLEASE NOTE:  The successful candidate will be required to provide a current vulnerable sector (level 2) police records check (dated within the last six months) prior to a successful hire.

