Please send announcements to 

Staff Directory

Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15 (RC15)       

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Regional Council 15 (RC15) Committee Volunteer form.

Appeal for Haiti

The United Church of Canada is in contact with Mission & Service partners in Haiti to find out how we can support their communities. Today, people in Haiti need emergency shelter, clean water, and food.  The United Church has launched an appeal view further details and donate here.

Property Inventory Update – August 2021

The RC15 property inventory list has been updated for August, this inventory lists property (buildings, cemeteries, lands) currently registered to your pastoral charge.  All forms and amendments received up to August 23, 2021 are included.  Pastoral charges who do not hold property will not appear on the list.  Please take a moment to review and ensure your pastoral charge details are correct, you can review by A-Z property name or by postal code using the link below and submit a form if there are any additions or amendments.

Property Inventory

Guaranteed Liveable Income

An Election has been called. Whatever you might think about the timing, it is an opportunity to highlight and advocate for a  Guaranteed Liveable Income.  Make guaranteed livable income an election issue.  Ask: “Will your candidate and their party implement a guaranteed livable income for all?” Join with others across civil society through See United Church election resources.

Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Development – Justice, Mission and Outreach Committee

Opportunity for ‘Sign-on’ to a Letter to four Premiers, raising concerns about provincial support for “Small Modular Nuclear Reactor” development.
The Regions East Justice Mission and Outreach Committee has signed on to this letter as prepared by the Inter-Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative.  It covers several United Church policy issues.  You can read their introductory explanation and the letter here.  Folks in any province are encouraged to sign on as a church or as a  group and/or as an individual, by emailing the Inter Church folks at:

SPAM Emails

We have been advised of another spam email circulating in the guise of a message from Rev. Faith March-MacCuish.  If you receive an email from Rev. Faith (or any UCC staff member) without the block and delete without responding.  This current spam is coming from a Gmail account however, accounts can be set up easily with any of the free access email providers.

We want to remind you that no staff member at any time will ask members of the Region to purchase anything for them.   If you are unsure if a staff email is spam please contact the sender by telephone to confirm before responding or downloading any files. Staff directory is provided below.

Staff Directory (2020-21)

