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Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15 (RC15)
Making Hope Visible – Podcast
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Regional Council 15 (RC15) Committee Volunteer form.
Vacancy St. John’s United Church, Fall River, Nova Scotia
St. John’s United Church, Fall River, Nova Scotia are looking for a Part-time Congregational Designated Minister – Children and Youth Program Leader, view further details here and visit the website to read the Community of Faith Profile 2021.
To apply, please forward your cover letter and resume to . You will receive confirmation of receipt of your application package within 24 hours.
PLEASE NOTE: The successful candidate will be required to provide a current vulnerable sector (level 2) police records check (dated within the last six months) prior to a successful hire.
Guaranteed Liveable Income
Dear Friends:
An Election has been called. Whatever you might think about the timing, it is an opportunity to highlight and advocate for a Guaranteed Liveable Income. Make guaranteed livable income an election issue. Ask: “Will your candidate and their party implement a guaranteed livable income for all?” Join with others across civil society through See United Church election resources.
It is important to ask candidates during the campaign where they or their party stand in relation to GLI. If there is no all candidates meeting in your area, it is important to call or write the candidate office with the question posed by the United Church. The following link is a very good article on Basic Income (GLI) which may help you in understanding the importance of raising it during the upcoming election campaign:
Also please watch for Worship Resources for October 17, a Sunday we have designated for special emphasis on Guaranteed Livable Income. The resources will be made available to all United Church congregations in the next couple of weeks. It is important to access the United Church website for the latest information on GLI resources.
We know that time for this election is limited, but we need to do as much as we can to keep the focus sharp and alive. Clearly we need to be in this struggle for the long haul.
Strength and peace to you
Hal and Karen Llewellyn
Regional Co-ordinators for Guaranteed Livable Income Network
Appeal for Haiti
The United Church of Canada is in contact with Mission & Service partners in Haiti to find out how we can support their communities. Today, people in Haiti need emergency shelter, clean water, and food. The United Church has launched an appeal. To view further details and donate, click here.
Vital Church Maritimes 2021 Conference
Wilderness Calling: Trusting in Jesus
October 14 – 16, 2021
Inn on Prince, Truro, N.S. (+ limited Zoom option)
Engaging in ministry these days is like trekking into unknown territory. One popular author describes congregational engagement with our neighbours, saying it is like ‘canoeing the mountains’ – what traditionally and typically worked in years past is no longer effective. We are CALLED TO THIS WILD using new approaches, including humble listening and courageous experimentation.
Join with congregational leaders from a variety of backgrounds to share experiences and ideas in exploring outward-oriented ministry in this wilderness time. Step out into an unmapped missional journey, discover the signs of the Spirit’s leading, and share best practices for this holy hinterland. Christ beckons and we venture together!
This 3-day conference features plenty of inspiring discussion, Bible studies, a special outdoor worship, meals and much more! Two-thirds of VCM participants are lay leaders, including some from Lutheran, United and Presbyterian churches. There are also several limited Zoom sessions for those who are unable to attend in person. Click here to view the poster for the event. The Conference schedule can be found here.
HURRY TO REGISTER! Special Early Bird rates until Sept. 20.
(Registration closes midnight Oct. 6)