THE 2021 Clergy Symposium (Oct. 18-20) and Clergy Retreat (Oct. 20-22)  IS POSTPONED



2021 Clergy Symposium

Date: October 18-20, 2021
(Start time to be determined for Monday, October 18. Ending time to be determined for Wednesday, October 20)


BiographyRev. Dr. Susan MacAlpine-Gillis is a graduate of Atlantic School of Theology (1985) and Bangor Theological Seminary (2003). She has 31 years of congregational experience; 26 of them at Cole Harbour Woodside United Church. She is an Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology at Atlantic School of Theology where she is also the Coordinator of the Summer Distance MDiv Program working with students and educational supervisors across the country. Being a Gramma to William, Gavin and Elizabeth brings her great joy.


ThemeResilience Through Renewal

“Zig Ziglar is credited with saying “F-E-A-R: has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.” In our time together, as we return from the exile of Pandemic, we will explore the fear that often grips us in ministry and may be even more intense now as we face the unknown of life after Covid. Through lectures, small group discussion and ritual, we will explore a variety of questions connected to fear, resilience and renewal. Drawing on the work of Matt Bloom and The Flourishing in Ministry Project, we will reflect on ways to cultivate clergy wellbeing.”


BiographyRev. Dr. Catherine Faith MacLean, Senior Minister at St. Paul’s in Edmonton, has served churches in the Maritimes, Toronto, Yellowknife, and Canmore. Currently she is offering leadership in reVITALize, Then Let Us Sing!, and Preaching The Big Questions webinars with John Young. She is one of the authors of The Theology of the United Church of Canada and A Song of Faith and is one of two United Church delegates to the upcoming World Council of Churches Assembly. Catherine earned her degree for ministry at Harvard, an earlier literature and languages degree at Dalhousie, and a doctorate in preaching from McCormick for which she received the top award. She is a Past President of the Canadian Theological Society and a two-time Louisville Grant recipient. Catherine was happy to be a Guinness Book Official Witness (one of the perks of ministry!) for the Biggest Dodgeball Game in the World. See Magazine called her Most Passionate Sermonizer in its annual “Best Of Edmonton” issue – on the same page as the best chef and the best goth store in the city! Catherine reads voraciously and loves to sit on an ocean-side verandah whether it’s sunny or foggy. She is looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your lives and challenges and what kindles your imaginations.


Theme: Preaching The Big Questions


2021 Clergy Retreat

Date: October 20-22, 2021
(Start time 2:00 pm on Wednesday, October 20. Ending with lunch on Friday, October 22)


Registration Deadline for Both Events: September 30, 2021

  • $200 per event or $350 if attending both events (includes accommodations, meals, nutrition breaks and program fees)

  • Participants are required to pay for their own travel.
  • With prior approval, financial assistance up to a maximum of $500 may be available to help those travelling from Labrador (contact Alison Piercey


  • Please bring warm clothing for a bonfire (weather permitting)
  • Bedding is provided
  • If you play an instrument and would like to share your gifts, please bring it along
  • Bring comfortable clothing and shoes. There are beautiful trails to discover.
  • Map – Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp, NL-360, Bishop’s Falls, NL: Within the boundaries of Central Newfoundland, approximately 12 km from the town of Bishop’s Falls. Turn off located 6 km from TCH on Route 360, situated at the Great Rattling Depot on the Exploits River.
  • These are Continuing Education events and credit may be given for for taking part. Certificates of Attendance may be awarded.


Thank you to the Coughlan College Trust Fund for subsidizing this event

