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Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.

Condolences: Kenneth “Paul” Taylor

Condolences are extended to the family of Rev. Kenneth “Paul” Taylor who passed away on November 13, 2021.  Rev. Taylor previously served both Regional Council 15 and FSLDW.  The obituary can be viewed here.

Condolences: Kathleen Hamilton

We have learned of the passing of Kathleen Hamilton on August 21, 2021 and extend our condolences to the family.  Kathleen was the wife of Rev. Louis Stevenson who was ordained in Maritime Conference in 1963 and served in Florenceville from 1963-1964 (FSLDW).  View obituary here.

Condolences: H. J. Bart van Nie

We have learned of the passing of Rev. H. J. Bart van Nie on November 14, 2021 and extend our condolences to the family.  Rev. van Nie was retired supply in Wolfville from 1987-1988 (RC15).  No obituary available.

Advent Letter from the President

View the Advent Letter from Sheila Gallant, President Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters.

FSLDW Pastoral Relations Committee

  • Re-licensing was approved for the following Licensed Lay Worship Leaders for a two-year period effective November 9, 2021:  Otty Forgrave; Daryl Linton; Elaine McLaughlan
  • The request for a change in pastoral relations due to retirement from the Rev. Pamela Reidpath effective June 1, 2022, was approved.

A change in pastoral relations in the Welsford Pastoral Charge effective November 9, 2021, was approved.

Ministry Personnel Letter of Appreciation

View a letter of appreciation and a gift for ministry personnel of the FSLDW Region.

Leadership Counts

To help us more fully live out our commitments to to equity, diversity, and the full participation of everyone, the General Council Office has launched Leadership Counts. This voluntary survey will help us to learn more about the breadth of identities present among the United Church’s ministry personnel, staff, and members of national committees (including their racial identities, gender identities, sexual orientations, disabilities, and more). What we learn will help us develop strategies to support who we are and more effectively meet our commitments.  View full details here.

Our Advent of Hope

Maritime UCW is holding a Virtual Gathering via Zoom or telephone conference.

Our Advent of Hope
November 29th 9:30 – 11:30am
Please join us for worship, a Bible Study with FSLDW President Elect Rev. JD Kennedy and updates on UCW activities.  Zoom opens at 9 a.m. to gather and check in. Program starts at 9:30.  Please email to register and receive the Zoom information.

You are Invited!

Join your colleagues/friends/neighbours in the three Atlantic Regions in the rescheduled on-line book study through 4 weeks in early 2022 (January 12, 19 26 and February 2). We’ll read together Canadian Senator (Retired) Hugh Segal’s recent book: Bootstraps Need Boots; One Tory’s Lonely Fight To End Poverty in Canada (UBC Press, Vancouver, 2019.

The four Zoom sessions are to be held on Wednesdays, January 12, 19, 26 and February 2 at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Atlantic Time; 7:30 to 9 NL time. Each session will be 1 ½ hours duration. Meetings will be hosted by Marion Pardy (NL), Karen & Hal Llewlellyn (NS), Audrey Lounder and Rose-Hannah Gaskin (NB).

We ask those who register to make a commitment to read through the book and to participate as fully as possible in the sessions. The plan is to go through 5 chapters each evening of January 12, 19 and 26. We have Senator Hugh Segal himself confirmed for the February 2 discussion and final session.

The registration form can be found hereRegistration deadline is January 4, 2022.

There is no charge for the course. We invite participants, however,  to consider making a free-will offering to the Mission and Service Fund of The United Church of Canada.

A number of the books are now in stock at the United Church Resource Centre, St. John’s, NL at a subsidized cost of $25 (plus shipping, if necessary). United Church Resource Centre, 320 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s, NL A1B 1T9, 1-800-268-3781, extension 6141, Leona Laundry,

For any further information you may contact or

Letter from the Association of Ministers (RC15)

Warm greetings and thanks for everything you do in the service of God’s healing mission in the world and in the courageous care and leadership of people in United Church communities far and wide! With the permission of the Executive Minister, we wanted to let you know that an Association of United Church Clergy (aUCC) is taking shape and growing in Region 15, and to invite you to consider joining with us to strengthen clergy in your Region. View Letter here.

There are hundreds of Palestinian children in Israeli jails – there is something Canada – and you – can do!

According to UNICEF and ‘Defense for Children International Palestine’, a United Church partner, every year an average of 700 Palestinian children, some 12 years old, are arrested, mistreated, detained and prosecuted in Israel’s military court system. This year, in the occupied West Bank, Israel has also fatally shot 15 Palestinian children.

The United Church is part of the broad-based campaign, “Canada, Stand up for Palestinian children’s rights”. We are asking Canada “to appoint a Special Envoy” to ensure the safety and human rights of the children of Palestine. The group of MPs who visited Palestine and Israel in April 2018 recommended a “Special Envoy”. (CLICK HERE to see our Petition e-2667) Please join in supporting the children’s rights. Sign (with your address and postal code) and send a letter (here) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and your MP.  For more information click (here).  Thank you from the Justice, Mission and Outreach Committee.

The Canadian Friends of Sabeel Virtual JGML 2021 lecture – with Alma Brooks and Dr. Rashid Khalidi!

Join us for our Virtual JGML 2021 lecture, to be held on December 2, 2021 at 8:00 pm (AST) – with Alma Brooks and Dr. Rashid Khalidi – as we discuss settler-colonialism, resistance, and solidarity from Turtle Island to Palestine. Please click here to register or to find out more information.

Welcome! You are invited to join a CCS Friday on Transgressive Devotion

Join in on Friday, December 10, from 12:00 to 1:00 CST, for an online conversation with Natalie Wigg-Stevenson on her new book “Transgressive Devotion: Theology as Performance Art.” Natalie teaches theology at Emmanuel College. In Transgressive Devotion she argues that theology done as performance art stops trying to describe who God is, and starts trying to make God appear.

CCS Fridays are hosted by the Centre for Christian Studies, to help us all respond faithfully to emerging issues in local contexts.  These are in the form of workshops and are open to anyone who might be interested.  There will be a presentation that will be recorded for future viewing, plus opportunities to engage with the ideas in small groups. You must register to participate.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

KAIROS Atlantic

KAIROS Atlantic presents its virtual regional gathering Living Treaties on November 26 and 27. Come explore and strengthen how we live into the Treaties and how Treaties live in us. Join a growing circle of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Treaty people to consider how our own lives are part of Treaty.

Core Circle Members includeMiigam’agan, Kyanna Kingbird, Lisa Perley Dutcher, Julianna Peter-Paul, Brittany Grey, Cathy Martin, Jane Meader, Ishbel Munroe, Dianne Climenhage, Alison Etter, Linda Scherzinger.
Come listen to the wisdom of this Circle and then add your voice in small group discussion.

Friday, November 26: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Atlantic
Saturday, November 27: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Atlantic

Register here.


General Council 44 is coming up, and with that, comes the opportunity for youth between the ages of 15-19 to participate in Youth Forum!  Along with that, Home Group Leaders are needed! Each region will get to have 4 participants (the other 1 from each region is your commissioner…please speak to me if you have questions about who that person is from your region) to the event that takes place throughout the year, starting in the winter of 2022.  As you’ll see, it is also an opportunity for employment!  Share both of these links far and wide.

Please email or phone Catherine Stuart, Regional Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults, for further information, 1-800-268-3781 ext 6158

Youth Forum Delegate

Home Group Leader

