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Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)
Making Hope Visible – Podcast
It’s Your Call – Podcast
Spark Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.
Condolences: Debra Sampson
Condolences are extended to Rev. Glen Sampson, and family, on the passing of his wife Debra Sampson on April 4, 2022. Rev. Sampson is a Presbyterian Minister in a shared United Church Ministry in Campbellton, NB, The obituary can be viewed here.
Condolences: William Corkum
Condolences are extended to the family of Rev. William Corkum, who passed away on March 13, 2022. Rev. Corkum was ordained in Maritime Conference in 1974 and was then called to Saskatchewan. The obituary can be viewed here.
News From FSTLDW Pastoral Relations Committee – April, 2022
- Approved the Community of Faith Profile of the Wellington Pastoral Charge
- Approved the Community of Faith Profile of the Dalhousie-New Mills Pastoral Charge
- Approved the application for licensing as a Licensed Lay Worship Leader for Daniel Szemok
- Approved the re-appointment of Rev. Carolyn Rushton to the Baie Verte, Port Elgin, Tidnish Bridge Pastoral Charge effective July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2023
Please take some prayer filled time to consider what you can offer. You can express your interest in our collective regional work on the form accompanying your registration for the Annual Meeting, or contact the secretary of Nominations, Pix Butt, at Our committee will then be in touch about where your gifts and our needs might connect.
Nominations are Open for President-Elect
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council is seeking nominations for President-Elect. The President serves for a total of 3 years: as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The President-Elect will serve as a member of the Regional Executive, leading our Region in its work and ministry, within the bounds of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Gaspé, Quebec. Serving as President of the Region offers many unique and exciting opportunities to engage in the work and life of the Region. More information on the role of President can be found here.
As this election will take place through the Annual meeting held online, and due to the nature of the online voting process, no nominations will be accepted from the floor. All nominations must be received by May 20, 2022 at midnight. Nominations are open to all members of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council, including ministry personnel and lay representatives. To submit your nomination, please fill out the form here. The nomination form must include the name of the mover and seconder of the nomination. The Nominee, the mover and seconder must be members of Regional Council.
As Annual Meeting gets nearer we would like to provide the following reminders:
Elected Members
Thanks to those pastoral charges who have submitted their form already, there is no need to resubmit.
For those pastoral charges still to do so we remind you that this form is required in order for your elected members to have voting privileges at the meeting and ask that you submit at your very earliest convenience.
No elected member willing to stand? Complete the form and indicate VACANT in the member name box.
Thanks to those who have registered already, there is no need to register again.
Anyone who has yet to register or send in their regrets for the meeting are asked to do so as soon as possible.
Link to Register
(Note: if you are an existing member you will have a directory profile and should not register as new as this creates a duplicate entry. Start typing your last name in the search box and wait for the dropdown to appear to select your name.)
The Office Staff appreciate your attention to the above as we will be following up shortly with emails and phone calls for any missing forms.
Ministry & Personnel Committee Event
This is a personal invitation to our ministry personnel committees who have questions and long for some initial training to get started or restarted as an effective functioning entity. Please see the announcement for further information.
Coffee and conversation for ministry personnel via Zoom.
Coffee and conversation Thursday mornings for ministry personnel via Zoom. Please consider stopping by to say hello and check in with colleagues. It is a relaxed free flow conversation of mutual support. Every Thursday @ 10:00 am AST. See poster for full details.
Joyful Moments
As we prepare for our upcoming annual meeting and think of how we, as communities of faith, have been experiencing joy over the past year, we invite you to submit photos of joyful moments from your church to be used as part of our worship.
We are looking for as many photos as you’d like to share of ways that you have been sharing joy with each other and with your communities. Some examples include confirmation classes, community gardening, church picnic, outreach projects, children’s programs, sleigh rides, family activities, Christmas pageants, Easter egg hunts, etc. – to name only a few ideas!
Photos must be received by May 5th, to Andrea Rogers at
Land Acknowledgement – Learnings Toward Reconciliation. Webinar Thursday, May 12, 7 pm. by Zoom.
Presented by FSLDW Region Affirm Committee
Join this webinar as the FSLDW Regional Affirm committee continues our learnings toward reconciliation. Guest, PEI Poet Laureate and storyteller Julie Pellissier-Lush, will share her Mi’kmaq history through story, drumming and her own poetry.
We will specifically look at questions around “land acknowledgement” – what are we doing right… and what can we change. Bring along a copy of what your congregation is using.
Join the group as we learn our way toward deeper understandings.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information and links to join the meeting.
CCS Online Open House
Saturday, April 30, 2-3:30 pm (Central Daylight Time)
Join us live on Zoom to get to know the Centre for Christian Studies community. It’s a chance to meet current program staff and students, learn about our programs, bursaries, and registration process, ask questions and meet new friends. Whether you’re considering the diaconate, diaconal ministry, or continuing education, there are options for you with CCS. There will even be a mini tour of Woodsworth House. It’ll be fun! Click [HERE] to register and get the link.
Update and Action from your Regional Guaranteed Livable Income Working Group
This is to inform you that Mary Sanderson a member of Bloor Street United in Toronto, and member of our National GLI network, has created petition e-3987 on the petitions website of the House. Once a Member of Parliament has authorized its publication, the petition will be examined by the Clerk of Petitions before it is posted on the web to gather signatures.
You will find the text of the proposed petition and further information here.
Lepreau Nuclear Power Application for 25 year licence renewal Interventions
New Brunswickers and others have submitted “Interventions” either in support of, or against, the approval of a licence to operate the Lepreau station until 2047. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulator (CNSC) will hold hearings on these interventions in Saint John NB on May 11 and 12, 2022, which will be live streamed. A comprehensive intervention against the 25 year application was submitted jointly by the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development – NB and the Canadian Environmental Law Association. It can be accessed through links from the CRED-NB website The 40 recommendations include procedural as well as safety concerns, including the much wider ‘Ingestion Zone’ required in the event of a serious radioactive event. All interventions will be posted by CNSC.