Submission Request for Weekly Announcements
Staff Directory
It’s Your Call – Podcast
News from the Pews Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Regional Council 15 (RC15) Committee Volunteer form.
Condolences – Claudia Dawn Kitson
Our condolences are extended to the family of Rev. Claudia Dawn Kitson who passed away on April 20, 2023. The obituary can be viewed here.
Condolences – David Danaher
Our condolences are extended to the family of David Danaher who passed away on April 21, 2023. The obituary can be viewed here.
Discussion Opportunity
Our three Eastern Regions have been working in consultation to create an institute of learning and support for leaders.
A summary document has been prepared and we want to invite ministry personnel to assist us with the next steps as we continue to hone our focus and discover together opportunities for mutual learning and support.
To this end we will be hosting a first of three opportunities for discussion and reflection on May 2nd at 10:00 am.
Please register here to confirm your attendance and the Zoom link will be sent to you.
Proposals Deadline – this Friday
The deadline for Proposals is April 28, 2023. More information on proposals can be found here.
Division/Committee Meetings Adjacent to the Regional Council Meeting Deadline – this Friday
The deadline to submit your request for Division/Committee Meetings Adjacent to the Regional Council Meeting is April 28, 2023. Please click here to submit your request.
Display Space Request Deadline – this Friday
The deadline to submit your request for Display Space is April 28, 2023. Please click here to submit your request.
Childcare Available at Annual Meeting
We pleased to announce that we will be able to provide childcare for those children 11 and under during the business portions of the meeting (no childcare will be provided during meal times or Saturday evening Kitchen Party).
If you do require childcare please ensure to include in your registration. If you need to update your registration to include childcare please contact Shari Kaster.
Closer to the Annual Meeting we will post an agenda that will include the location the childcare is being provided.
Regional President-Elect Nominations (Deadline May 19)
It’s Eastertide and a time of new opportunity and rising energy. It’s a time for us to consider what new thing God is calling us to now, today. We are looking forward to our election process in this Region as part of our Annual General Meeting in Halifax this June.
In particular, I am writing to ask you to consider offering yourself to serve the Region as our President-Elect. This is a key position and one that offers a wealth of learning and new connections (read the Roles and Duties here). I am also asking that you think of others in the Region who you know and think might be a good fit for a leader at this time in the Church’s life. More than that, I am asking you to speak to that person, and share your thinking about their gifts and potential to lead us forward. You might be surprised to know that often, this sort of conversation offers a new and exciting possibility to that potential candidate. They may never have thought of themselves as a potential leader, for these times. It’s all about our collective action in discerning as a Church. We are privileged to be able to participate in our governance and choose our leaders. This gives us the responsibility to engage and get involved in the process. I look forward to hearing from you. The nominations form can be found here.
Alicia Cox, Chair, Nominations Committee
Elected Members
Thanks to those pastoral charges who have submitted their form already, there is no need to resubmit.
For those pastoral charges still to do so we remind you that this form is required in order for your elected members to have voting privileges at the annual meeting. As the deadline has already passed, it is necessary that you submit this form as soon as possible – to-date, we have only received forms from approximately half of the pastoral charges.
No elected member willing to stand? Complete the form and indicate VACANT in the member name box.
RC15 Elected Members Memo and The Discipleship of Being a Member to Regional Council 15
Region 15 Pastoral Relations News – April 2023
- Approved the Profile and position description for River Philip Pastoral Charge, and authorized Search for 20 hours/week ministry personnel to begin. David Hewitt, Liaison.
- Approved the Profile and position description for St. Andrew’s Wesley United Church, Springhill, and authorized Search for 20 hours/week ministry personnel to begin. Dave Forbes, Liaison.
- Approved the SME Appointment of Angela Clifton, Candidate with Shelburne Pastoral Charge, 20 hours/week, July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025.
- Approved the renewal of Appointment for Natalie Buchanan-Rutherford with Pugwash Pastoral Charge, 25 hours/week, April 1 to June 30, 2023.
- Approved the Request for Change in Pastoral Relations from Tom Woods of Trinity Berwick Pastoral Charge, effective June 30, 2023.
- Approved the Short-term Appointment of Tom Woods with Knox United Church, Lower Sackville, full-time, July 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. The Appointment may end earlier if an Interim Ministry Appointment is arranged.
- Approved the renewal of Appointment of Glenn MacLean, retired, with Onslow Belmont Pastoral Charge, 30 hours/week, July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
- Approved the Profile and position description for an additional 20 hour/week position at LaHave New Dublin Pastoral Charge, and authorize Search to begin. Heather Ferrier, Liaison.
- Approved the Request for Change in Pastoral Relations from Valerie Kingsbury of First United Church, Truro, effective June 30, 2023.
- Approved the expansion of the ministry position at Walton Pastoral Charge from 14 hours/week to 20 hours/week and that Search be authorized to continue. Don Sellsted, Liaison.
- Approved the Profile and position description for Lawrencetown Lake Echo Pastoral Charge and authorize Search for half-time ministry personnel. Linda Yates, Liaison.
- Approved the Profile and position description for West Bay Pastoral Charge and authorize Search for full-time ministry personnel. Jack Canning, Liaison.
- Directed Hope United Church to enter into a period of Interim Ministry.
- Approved the position description for a one-year Supply ministry position at First United Church, Truro, and authorize Search for full time ministry personnel.
- Approved the Profile and position description for Aylesford United Church, and authorize Search for full time ministry personnel. Don Sellsted, Liaison.
- Approved the renewal of Appointment of Valerie Taylor, retired, with Kingston Pastoral Charge, 30 hours/week, May 1 to June 30, 2023.
- Approved the position description for a one-year Supply ministry position at Orchard Valley United Church, New Minas, for their second ministry position. Search for half-time ministry personnel is authorized.
- Next meeting: Friday, May 12, 9:00 a.m. For more information please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt at
New Developments in Israel-Palestine and the Role of the Churches
Presented by Anglican Studies, the Faculty of Theology and the School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality
What is the role of Canadian churches in advocacy regarding Palestine? Join national leaders for a conversation about how churches in Canada are involved in advocating for and with partners in Palestine, and what next steps may be needed in the context of new developments in a deteriorating situation.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
7:00-9:00 pm (ET)
Amphitheatre at Saint Paul University and Livestream – Attend online or in person, click here to register
Click here for more information
Genuine Online Relationships
In a post-lockdown church, online community has become a common reality. Most churches are offering ministry online, whether it be a weekly email, a Facebook group, online studies, or live-streaming worship. In this course, students will consider how to widen ministry beyond the church walls and into their online community. Readings will include case studies as well as work on building community, missional thinking, pastoral care, and online strategies. Students should come ready to investigate their current context and with a knowledge of the online platforms they currently use.
About the Instructor: Dawn Leger is a pastor of Harbor Online Community, a virtual community of people following Jesus outside the lines of traditional church models. She has become a well-regarded coach and advisor for churches creating an accessible, inclusive, and supportive online community. Dawn served in parish ministry for 15 years in urban and rural churches and is currently a PhD candidate at Martin Luther University College.
Dates: Thursdays in May from May 4th to May 25th from 1pm to 2.30pm AST
Location: Online
Registration Fee: $50.00 plus Eventbrite fee
REGISTER NOW – registration closes April 27th at 5pm
Learn More and Register Here
Caring for Me – Caring for You – Caring for the Church Family – Caring for the Wider Community: it’s at the heart of who we are. Join us at Bridgewater United Church, 87 Hillcrest St., for a day of drama, meditation and music. Saturday April 29 10-3. To Register Contact Cindy Embree 902-656-2793 or Marg Forbes 902-543-2495 Fee of $15. covers entire day.
Special Service of Commemoration
Coming up May 2: a special service of commemoration for all the mission co-workers from The United Church of Canada who have served in Korea over the years. United Church mission co-worker John Egger, who has served in Korea since 2018, is now in Canada on his final home assignment. John’s return to Canada marks a significant ending for the United Church, as he stands at the end of a long line of mission co-workers who have served in Korea since 1898, when the first mission co-workers from the Presbyterian Church in Canada arrived in Korea.
Join us on May 2 at First United Church in Truro as we celebrate the ongoing partnership in mission between Canada and Korea and commemorate the contributions of the many mission co-workers who have served in Korea over the past 125 years.
May 2, 2023
7 pm (Atlantic time)
First United Church, Truro
711 Prince Street, Truro, Nova Scotia
live-streamed at:
Camp Kidston Eco-Fundraiser
Our communities of faith have always been strong supporters of United Church campers. Last summer, 1 of every 4 campers who attended Camp Kidston received some type of financial support through Kidston’s Sponsorship fund. This year, we have more campers in need of help than ever before. We hope you will once again step up, to help bring camp into their lives.
As always, donations can be made through our Canada Helps page at .
In addition, there is a NEW way to show your support!! Tru Earth will be donating 20% of all sales on their products which are made through our fundraising page. Tru Earth is a respected Canadian Company which produces eco-friendly, plastic-free cleaning and laundry supplies. Learn more or place an order at . Your purchase will help a camper AND help keep plastic waste out of landfills and waterways!
If you would like to talk with someone about this fundraiser, please email Isabel at .
DID YOU KNOW? Through 2015, the world produced some 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste, only 9% of which has been recycled, and only ~1% has been recycled more than once. Additionally, 12% was incinerated and the remaining 79% sent to landfill or to the environment including the ocean. Almost all plastic is not biodegradable As of 2015 approximately 8 million tons of waste plastic was entering the oceans annually. The UN Environmental Program estimated that “for every square mile of ocean” there are about “46,000 pieces of plastic.”
Berwick Camp Promotion Video
Berwick Camp is a 10-day camp for all generations located in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. The Berwick Camp Communications Team has prepared a promotional video to be shown in churches for Camping Sunday or some other Sunday at a congregation’s discretion. The link can also be forwarded to members of your congregation.
For more information, visit the Berwick Camp website.
Stilling and Stirring: A Spring In-Person Retreat
Contemplative Pathways is hosting a time of silent retreat and rest from May 3rd to 6th at the Tatamagouche Centre. We will be supported in our silence by gathered worship to begin and end our time together, optional morning and evening prayer, brief teaching times and the possibility of sharing experience in common for those who feel this would enhance their retreat.
Learn more and register here.
Covenanting Service – Rev. Kymberly Burke
Please Join us for this special occasion Sunday May 07, 2pm for the Covenanting Service of Rev. Kymberly Burke at Stairs Memorial United Church.
Guest Preacher: Rev. Gloria Churchill
All are welcome.
44 Hester St, Dartmouth NS
Zoom Meeting: Maritime Circle for Progressive Christianity
The Maritime Circle for Progressive Christianity will meet via Zoom link on May 12th at 10:30 a.m. We will discuss plans for a summertime in-person gathering, with guest, Nancy Steeves, as well as other topics you’d like to bring to the group. All are welcome! Contact for the Zoom link.
Spring Resources & Programs
If you are an occasional worship leader, looking for inspiration, or want reflections for personal reading, check out Worship Sheets here. in the description there, is a sample you can read and use.
This popular email program begins May 12. You receive a brief email each day for 21 days inviting you to use one of your seven senses to mindfully explore our green and growing world. Sign up for an INDIVIDUAL subscription or stroll with a GROUP (Unlimited numbers) at the Prayer Bench.
Surplus Furniture & Equipment
The surplus items include a storage cabinet and a small fire proof sentry safe. They are available free of charge to any ministry within Region 15. First come, first serve. Please contact the Board’s Treasurer for more information at (902) 489-2962, or
United Church of Canada – Job and Volunteer Opportunities
Click here to see the latest job and volunteer opportunities at the United Church.
The 54th annual Atlantic Seminar in Theological Education will be happening at the Tatamagouche Centre June 11th to June 16th, 2023.
We will continue the theme “Building Respectful Relations” centering this year on experiences of Black Persons within Canadian Society.
We hope you will join us as we spend 5 days exploring the history, culture and impact of the Black Community in the Atlantic Provinces and how Individuals and Communities of Faith can work as true allies.
This is an opportunity to explore this topic in depth in a safe and supportive environment under the guidance of Dr. Harvey Amani Whitfield, The Rev. Brigid Maya Douglas and the ASTE 2023 community.
More information can be found on our webpage ASTES2023.
Camp Wegesegum – Celebrating 100 Years!
Camp Wegesegum – 100th Anniversary Party July 15, 2023
We are so excited to finally announce the schedule of events for our 100th anniversary party! Mark your calendars! Come celebrate with us !!