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It’s Your Call – Podcast

News from the Pews Newsletter

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Regional Council 15 (RC15) Committee Volunteer form.

Condolences – Rev. Frederick Arthur Snyder

Our condolences are extended to the family of Rev. Fred Snyder who passed away on May 5, 2023. The obituary can be viewed here.

Annual Meeting Registration Deadline Saturday, May 13

Annual Meeting registration deadline is Saturday, May 13. Thank you to those who have already registered for the upcoming Regional Council 15 annual meeting taking place June 9-11, 2023 at Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU). For those who have not yet registered for the Annual Meeting, please do so before the deadline. Note that when your registration has successfully gone through you will receive a confirmation email, if you have not received a confirmation email then your registration was not successfully completed. You have to register yourself individually, the annual meeting registration is separate to the Official Members to Regional Council form.

If you are unable to attend the meeting please fill out the regrets form.

All material for the meeting, including the information for the webinars is available on the Regional Council Annual Meeting webpage. It is highly recommended that members of the Region attend the preparatory webinars, these webinars will allow time for questions for clarification and help us to be prepared for the AGM. If you are unable to make the webinar on the allotted day, they will be recorded and posted on the annual meeting website page the following day for viewing. If you have questions after viewing you may direct them to the presenters.

MSVU Meals and Accommodations deadline is May 19. Please note that all payments must be received by the University by this date. If you have questions regarding this please contact MSVU, their contact information can be found using the above link.

Annual Meeting Meals and Accommodations Registration Deadline

The deadline to book and pay for your annual meeting Meals and Accommodations with Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) is May 19. If you are interested in attending the Retirees and Jubilarians dinner being held on June 10 fill-out the Meals and Accommodations form choosing option “Selecting Meals Individually”, then select “Dinner June 10”. If you have any questions please contact MSVU directly, their contact information can be found on the link above.

Youth @ Region! (Formerly I@C and YF!)

Registration for Youth @ Region is now live! Please make this link available to the youth, grades 6-12 in your community of faith. Note – that the registration cost has changed to $100 per youth!  Have questions? Email Catherine Stuart, Regional Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults,

Annual Meeting Webinar Date Change

We have had to change the date of the third Annual Meeting webinar to Tuesday, June 6. Please see below for the updated webinar schedule. On Monday, May 15, we will be sending the webinar Zoom link memo to all those who have registered for the meeting (using your registration confirmation email), please ensure to check your junk/spam folder if you do not receive the email in your inbox.

Webinar #1: Orientation, Remits and Proposals
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 7:00pm-8:30pm (ADT)

Webinar #2: Division Reports and Strategic Plan
Date: Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 7:00pm-8:30pm (ADT)

Webinar #3: Budget 2024 and 2022 Audited Statements
Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 7:00pm-8:30pm (ADT)

First Aid Volunteers – Annual Meeting

We are looking for people that are certified in First Aid and CPR who would be willing to volunteer to be the first aid contacts in the event of any issues during the Annual Meeting.  If you are interested, please send your name to Shari Kaster.

Childcare Available at Annual Meeting

We pleased to announce that we will be able to provide childcare for those children 11 and under during the business portions of the meeting (no childcare will be provided during meal times or Saturday evening Kitchen Party).

If you do require childcare please ensure to include in your registration. If you need to update your registration to include childcare please contact Shari Kaster.

Closer to the Annual Meeting we will post an agenda that will include the location the childcare is being provided.

Regional President-Elect Nominations (Deadline May 19)

It’s Eastertide and a time of new opportunity and rising energy. It’s a time for us to consider what new thing God is calling us to now, today. We are looking forward to our election process in this Region as part of our Annual General Meeting in Halifax this June.

In particular, I am writing to ask you to consider offering yourself to serve the Region as our President-Elect. This is a key position and one that offers a wealth of learning and new connections (read the Roles and Duties here). I am also asking that you think of others in the Region who you know and think might be a good fit for a leader at this time in the Church’s life. More than that, I am asking you to speak to that person, and share your thinking about their gifts and potential to lead us forward. You might be surprised to know that often, this sort of conversation offers a new and exciting possibility to that potential candidate. They may never have thought of themselves as a potential leader, for these times. It’s all about our collective action in discerning as a Church. We are privileged to be able to participate in our governance and choose our leaders. This gives us the responsibility to engage and get involved in the process. I look forward to hearing from you. The nominations form can be found here.

Alicia Cox, Chair, Nominations Committee

Region 15 Open Positions – May 2023

The following positions are open in Region 15 and are posted on ChurchHub. Please view the full details there. Please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt for additional information.

Full time
• Kingston
• United Heritage, Sydney
• Pugwash and Oxford-Thomson collaborative ministry
• Rockingham, Halifax
• Aylesford

Part time
• Orchard Valley (20)
• Lawrencetown Lake Echo (20)
• Walton (20)
• St. Andrew’s Wesley, Springhill (20)
• St. Paul’s Mount Uniacke (20)
• Rawdon (20)
• Riverport and First South (26)
• Clyde-Carleton (20)
• Newsom (20)

Order by June 1st for Guatemalan stoles, Breaking the Silence coffee to pick up at Region 15 Annual Meeting

The Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network is pleased to once again offer Guatemalan stoles, often purchased as ordination gifts or gifts for ministers. Breaking the Silence is a human rights solidarity network and a partner of the Justice, Mission and Outreach Committee. These beautifully woven stoles by the Mayan women of Santiago Atitlan combine Christian and Mayan symbols such as corn. At this time, I only have: two red stoles and three rainbow stoles, so you may wish to reserve the stole purchase in advance.

We will also be selling gorgeous crafts from a Guatemalan women’s cooperative and Breaking the Silence fair trade coffee, which supports a courageous indigenous land rights organization and coffee farmers. I will order boxes of six bags of ground Breaking the Silence coffee for purchase at the wholesale price for churches. $60 per box. Orders for boxes of six bags must be sent no later than June 1st., with payment at the Regional Meeting or by E-transfer. To order stoles and coffee, contact: Kathryn Anderson, kathrynande And please stop by the Breaking the Silence table.

We’re hiring Summer Students at BUC!

Hi Region 15! Here at Bedford United Church we are hiring youth and young adults for summer employment, and we would love to have you join our team!!

To learn more about this work please check out the full job descriptions here.

The deadline to apply is Friday, May 19th! If you or someone in your family is looking for a life-giving and rewarding summer job, we would love for them to consider applying. We know there are so many amazing gifts and talents to be shared with our community!

L.I.F.E Workers: BUC is hiring two youth (aged 15-18 when hired) to work as L.I.F.E Workers, L.I.F.E stands for ‘Living In Faith Everywhere.’ These positions will offer work and life experience for youth and an opportunity to participate in the life and work of Bedford United Church with a focus on children, youth, and family ministry. Throughout the summer L.I.F.E Workers will help with Sunday School, Children’s Camps, Outreach projects, Youth programs and more! They will also gain valuable leadership training and experience.

To learn more about this work please check out the full job descriptions here.

We are also hiring one L.I.F.E Worker Supervisor (aged 18-30) to support and supervise the L.I.F.E Workers throughout the summer. This role would also be involved in offering leadership for children, youth, outreach, and family programs throughout the summer.
The full job description can be found here.

Please feel free to share these roles with youth and young adults in your life looking for summer employment, All Are Welcome!

Rural Routes Through the Holy 2023

The schedule is now posted for this years gathering from June 15th – 17th at Camp Abby, PEI. Dr. Marvin Lee Anderson will offer the main presentation, Restoring and Re-storying Community.

There’ll also be Tasters, brief presentations, on Faithful Footprints, Pop-Up Church and more. During free time you can choose to experience Healing Pathway ministry, participate in a prayer-writing workshop, sample a variety of prayer practices, or try out a new resource for congregational or individual discernment. There’ll be music and worship and good food. You can view the complete schedule here and register here.

For questions email

Visiting Scholar vacancy at AST

Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax is seeking to appoint a Visiting Scholar in Theology in 2024. Application deadline: May 18th. Complete details may be found at this link.

Godly Play Core Training for Storytellers and Doorpersons – coming in Fall 2023

Come and explore Godly Play practices for supporting children’s spirituality and creating a Godly Play environment. Experience Godly Play stories, tell a story by heart, and receive feedback as part of a supportive learning community.

More information to follow. For information and past events, see Godly Play Maritime Circle.

