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It’s Your Call – Podcast
News from the Pews Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Committee Volunteer form.
Covenanting Service
A covenanting service celebrating the ministry between Katie Logan and the Riverport Pastoral Charge and First South Pastoral Charge will be held on Sunday, October 29 (6:30 pm) at Trinity United Church, Rose Bay, N.S. Rev. Don Sellsted will be the guest speaker. All are welcome to attend this special service. Refreshments and fellowship will follow in the church hall.
Covenanting Service
All are warmly invited to a worship service celebrating the ministry between Rev. Dr. Kathleen Anderson and Hope United Church on Thursday, October 26th at 7 pm to be held at Hope United, 3055 Connaught Ave, Halifax. Hope United’s Minister Emeritus, Rev. Diane MacVicar, will offer the reflection. Light refreshments will follow the service.
Covenanting Service
Pugwash Pastoral Charge and Oxford Thomson Pastoral Charge invite everyone to a new Covenant between The Rev. Dr. Dale Skinner, their shared ministry, and Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council. This celebration will take place on Sunday, November 5th at 1:30 PM at Wesley-St. Matthews United Church, Pugwash, NS. Please join with us for this exciting new beginning of our ministry! Light refreshments will be shared.
CCS Friday on Diakonia During Climate Change
On Friday, October 27, 2023 at noon Central Time join an online discussion of climate change and how to respond as faith-filled individuals and as ministers.
Please click here to read more about this and for the registration link.
Affirm Zoom Webinar Nov 15, 2 pm Theme: Welcoming gender diversity: A discussion on gender identity in our communities of faith
Guest Capt Rev Beatrice Gale has been a United Church minister for 16 years. She joined the Canadian Army early 2017 and is the first openly transgender chaplain in the Canadian military.
For registration please click on link.
Solidarity Circles: A peer network of clergy, faith leaders and organizers interested in the solidarity economy.
Are you passionate about building a more equitable and sustainable future?
Please click here to read about this program. If after reading about it, you still have questions, please be in touch with Andrew Richardson (Vocation Minister Atlantic Regions) if you have any questions:
CCS Friday on “Coping with Loneliness and Isolation”
Do you ever feel isolated in your ministry or leadership?
Well, ironically, you are not alone! Join in on Friday, November 10, 2023 at noon Central Time for an online discussion of coping strategies for feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Please click here to read more about this and for the registration link.
Under November Skies – a song/video of Remembrance
Hi, there. It’s John Lindsay-Botten, writing on behalf of Joanna Butler, the chief creator of “Under November Skies” (I arranged the selection). A full letter of support is included here, intended for Church Ministers and Music Ministers/Directors, as well.
A showing of the bilingual YouTube video of the song on social media platforms and in worship contexts is free to use. To purchase copies of the song in various solo/choral options, please head to (where you can preview the video, as well).
In Love, Peace and Gratitude, John (and Joanna)
A Pastoral Letter to our churches from the Justice, Mission and Outreach Just Peace Working Group
Learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17 (NRSVUE)
Dear friends,
Many of us are confused, anxious and even afraid as we try to understand the situation in Palestine and Israel. Some of us have friends or families in the “Holy Land” and we are worried for them.
Members of our regions’ Just Peace Working Group (JPWG) is offering a Pastoral Letter to those of us who would like some background, insight, and ways to respond. Please click and read more HERE.
Great News Regarding Guaranteed Livable Income
Canada is taking its baby steps toward a basic income program meant to broadly address poverty.
The Senate’s national finance committee began looking into Sen. Kim Pate’s proposal for a national framework for a universal basic income program on Oct. 17.
Read more on this link.
Music Director Opportunity
St George & St Andrew United Church, Annapolis Royal, NS, is seeking a part-time Music Director/Organist/Choir Director. Duties include playing at regular Sunday services, for special services as required, and conducting a weekly rehearsal of forthcoming choral anthems and other music.
We have a two-manual baroque-style (with Swell) tracker-action instrument by Orgues Létourneau (Opus 28, 1991) and a Yamaha digital grand piano (CLP-695GP). The church boasts a strong music programme, with choral anthems as a regular part of every service, and many other musical events take place in our sanctuary due to its excellent acoustics.
For further information and details please email:
Healing and Hope
Healing and Hope is a retreat by women in ministry, for women in ministry, to be held at Five Oaks Centre, 1 Bethel Road, Paris, Ontario. The dates are Monday October 30 at 3 pm to Thursday November 2 at noon, concluding with lunch. Please click here to learn more about the retreat and how to register.
Rural Routes Through the Holy: A Day Away
Rural Routes Through the Holy is hosting A Day Away, November 18th from 10 – 3 pm at St. Ann’s Anglican Church in Westcock NB (near Sackville). You may have wanted to attend one of our annual 3-day events, held each June but were unable to find the time. So, here’s an opportunity to explore. Our Day Away is only 5 hours but it’s full of the things that nurture our life together as rural communities of faith: worship, presentations, world café style (small table) conversations, workshops and of course, good food.
You can see the schedule here and read more about past gatherings here and hover over the Rural Ministries Drop Down. You can register here.
Rural Routes Through the Holy was initiated in 2019 by Rev. Dr. Catherine Smith with the help of Bayfield-Little Shemogue Pastoral Charge. It’s grown since then and we have a wonderful team! Rural Routes has been supported by grants from EDGE, Regions 14 and 15, a Tompkins Grant from the University of Cape Breton as well as private donations. These make our gathering possible BUT each of you who comes is what brings it to life! Remember, “small is also bountiful”. So, come and bring a friend or come and find a friend.