Submission Request for Weekly Announcements 

Staff Directory

Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)

It’s Your Call – Podcast

Spark Newsletter

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.

Hello from FSLDW President Elizabeth

This week I would like to introduce you to your Atlantic Candidacy Board (ACB) of which I am privileged to serve. As we serve Regions East, members come from across the Regions – Labrador, NFLD, NS, NB and PEI.

Please click here to read the full Hello from FSLDW President Elizabeth and to learn more about the Candidacy Board.

Affirm Committee Workshop – Mental Health and Resiliency

Many of us are thinking and talking about our mental health; this next webinar in our series will address some of our questions and concerns. It will be presented by Dawn O’Dell of Mental Health New Brunswick, on Wednesday, January 17th at 2:00 and will be 90 minutes long.  Please note this webinar will not be recorded for the website.
For registration please click on this link.

2024 Lenten Devotional

Grief, anxiety, hope, love, pain, despair, awe—many emotions are used to describe our relationship with all of Creation. What is your personal, physical, and spiritual relationship with God’s Creation?

How does this relationship affect how you follow Christ? This Lenten devotional invites us to deepen our love for Creation and take action or fast for a climate in crisis. Includes a study guide. $19.95 tax included. Deadline to order is January 16, 2024

Ministry of Supervision

The Certificate in Ministry of Supervision provides participants with the information and skills to mentor individuals preparing for ministry by equipping them for supervision including pastoral practices, leadership, reflection, feedback and spiritual guidance.   It is designed for clergy and lay individuals who are interested in supporting students and communities for supervised ministry education (SME), internships and field education. PREREQUISITES:  A minimum of five years of post-ordination or commissioning, experience in congregational ministry leadership OR equivalent lay leadership

Mark your Calendar Now!
The course will take place as a once a week intensive with three-hour synchronous class time on zoom each week. Here is the schedule — click the links to see the start times in each of Canada’s time zones:

Jan 11, 12:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Jan 18, 12:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Jan 25, 12:00 – 3:00pm ET
Feb 1, 12:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Feb 8, 12:00 – 3:00 pm ET

You can register at United in Learning or by clicking here.
For more information please contact Andrew Richardson.

Greetings Growth Seekers From Growth Animator Sharon

What are you doing to stay connected with your community of faith, those who are your core energizer bunnies who keep things happening, all your volunteer leaders, those who come occasionally, those joining online, those who come in person, those unable to come? Sharing and caring helps us beat the “winter blahs.” Is it time to do a phone call check-in with others? Send out some greeting cards thinking about you, a word of hope and encouragement reaching out to others. Invite people of all ages to make some greeting cards to have ready to share. Connect with a teacher and invite their class to make cards that you can brighten another’s day with. Have a conversation with neighbours on your street and check-in. Share a word of kindness to those you encounter on errands and appointments. Are there some people you can send a simple thank-you to share your appreciation for their kindness to you? Has your community of faith got a card ministry? Invite everyone to share important dates and put them on your own calendar as well as reaching out as a community of faith to remember and celebrate milestones. Who came out to worship at Advent and Christmas that may not regularly? Can you connect and say thanks and let them know their participation was appreciated? Invite them to come back. Do you have an event on your church calendar that will bring people together to share in fellowship? Potluck? A soup lunch? Plan something for fun! Set your intention for gratitude and take opportunity to thank others. Thank you for thinking about growth in your ministries. Thanks for sharing a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement. Your kind compassion makes a difference. You can reach me by email at or by phone 705 875-8837. Let’s grow together with deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice

CCS Friday online discussion “Artificial Intelligence in Pastoral Care: Who cares?” – January 26, 2024

CCS Fridays are free online conversations offered by the Centre for Christian Studies that help us respond faithfully to emerging issues in local contexts.  These workshops are open to anyone who might be interested. Each session will be on Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm (AST).  There will be a presentation that will be recorded for future viewing, plus opportunities to engage with the ideas in small groups.

Please click here to read more about this and for the registration link.

Interfaith Harmony Halifax – Save the Date!

Save the date! The 2024 Interfaith Harmony Halifax Week events will be held February 1-11. A wonderful opportunity for Continuing Education or adult study, youth, or confirmation groups. During IHH, all are welcome to visit different Sacred Spaces and join with diverse faith communities in worship, prayer, conversations, panel discussions and shared celebration. If you would like to register for the (free) Interfaith Engagement Program, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with other IHH participants before IHH begins (to prepare and build community) and after (to reflect on your experience).

Reimagining Church-Reclaiming your Call (for Lay People only)

Live Sessions
February 10, 24, March 9, 23, April 6, 20, 2024
1:00 – 3:00 pm ET

Register at United in Learning

Imagine your community of faith as a fellowship of disciples (instead of a floundering institution);
Imagine following in the footsteps of our radical Teacher (instead of being ground down by budget shortfalls and petty conflicts);
Imagine being part of a Christian community that understands the essence of our identity and call as people of God.
Fall in love with your faith all over again!

Join us for this six-week series to renew and rekindle your call to ministry and discipleship in their fullest sense. “To embody God’s love in the world,” says the Song of Faith, “the work of the church requires the ministry and discipleship of all believers.”

On-your-own hours between the sessions will include reading, journal-writing, and online conversations among the other participants.

This program is co-facilitated by a diverse team who bring a breadth of experience as educators, theologians, ministry personnel, lay leaders, and regional and national United Church of Canada staff.

It is a pilot project made possible by a grant from the United Church of Canada Foundation (Embracing the Spirit fund).

Cost: $99.99
Come as a team, and save!

When you sign up, we’ll send you a promo code that you can share with other members of your team. They can each enter the promo code when they register and get $25 off the price.

Leaders; Andrew Richardson, Marvin Anderson, Josephine Braun; Jane Dawson, Connie DenBok, David-Roger Gagnon, Michelle Hogman, Chris Pullenayegem

St. Mark’s United Church, Saint John, N.B.

St. Mark’s is looking for a full time ordained or diaconal minister to replace the Rev. John Roy who is retiring in June 2024.

Individuals who would like to learn more about this opportunity can contact Ralph Furness at 506-343-3696 or by email at

Changes at the Prayer Bench

You are invited to visit the newly re-designed Prayer Bench. Look for the Pause Page. Read a new blog. Go Deeper with resources. Journey Deeper, the Contemplative Way.

Note changes in Prayer Bench subscriptions for 2024. Learn details here.

Grief Radio – A Podcast About Grief

Grief Radio – A Podcast About Grief is a soon-to-be-launched podcast offering Support/Education/Links for training & research and upcoming events.  It is being launched by Rev. Ian Smith, a retired, ordained United Church of Canada clergy person residing in Ontario and Dr. Vivianne LaRiviere, residing in Nova Scotia.  To read the full details, please click here.

