Submission Request for Weekly Announcements
Staff Directory
It’s Your Call – Podcast
News from the Pews Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Committee Volunteer form.
Annual Meeting Registration is Open
Registration is open for the annual meeting. Please read the memo sent from the Executive Minister. Visit the annual meeting webpage regularly for the latest updates and information on the upcoming meeting. Reminder, if you require meals and/or accommodations, they must be registered for separately. To read the welcome letter from Dalhousie University, Agricultural Campus (Truro), with meal/accommodations information, please click here.
Youth @ Region 2024
Calling all Youth, between grades 6-12! Registration is now open for Youth @ Region!
Y@R is a place of community and a place of faith where United Church youth, between grade 6 and grade 12, meet from across Nova Scotia and Bermuda. It takes place during the Annual Meeting of Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council (BNS), which is a gathering of representatives who make decisions and set policies for the United Church of Canada. The group creates an inclusive, diverse and safe community for youth in the name of Christ. We provide a place for youth to explore their faith and to learn more about the United Church of Canada while sharing in music, worship and fun in a spirit-filled community. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please email
Register here.
Nominations are Open for President-Elect
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council is seeking nominations for President-Elect. The President serves for a total of 3 years: as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The President-Elect will serve as a member of the Regional Executive, leading our Region in its work and ministry, within the bounds of the Region. Serving as President of the Region offers many unique and exciting opportunities to engage in the work and life of the Region. More information on the role of President can be found here.
The election will take place at the Annual meeting. In order to post bios of the nominees and allow for printing of meeting materials, please submit nominations by April 26, 2024 at midnight. Nominations can also come from the floor of the meeting at which time nominations will close at the close of the Friday night session. Nominations are open to all members of the Regional Council, including ministry personnel and lay representatives. To submit your nomination, please fill out the form here. The nomination form must include the name of the mover and seconder of the nomination. The Nominee, the mover and seconder must be members of Regional Council. If you have any questions, please contact Nominations Chair, Alicia Cox.
Elected Members to Regional Council 2024
Please use the below link to complete the elected members form to Regional Council for 2024, thank you to those who have completed it already. Without completing this form elected members will not be able to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting Teller Volunteers Needed
Coming to the Annual Meeting at Dal AC (Truro, NS)? Do you like to be involved and active while still being present at the meeting? Then please consider being a teller, where you’ll get to help with activities like voting, distributing materials and taking up the offering. No experience necessary. Please fill out the form to let us know of your interest.
Younger Ministry Personnel Spring Retreat
Once again, the younger ministry personnel (under 50-ish) of Bermuda-Nova Scotia Region and Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region are organizing a time of retreat.
Please join our spring retreat as we come together to be together. This retreat is designed to be a time of rest and reflection for all those 50ish and under in the Atlantic Region, and will include a special worship to laugh and to cry as we remember and lament our dear friend and colleague, Alison Etter. Please join us at 1 pm on April 4, at the Tatamagouche Centre, for this special 24-hour retreat.
The spring retreat will be held at the Tatamagouche Centre on April 4th and 5th, at a cost of $170 per person. This cost includes all food and accommodations. There is a reduced rate of $150 per person for those who are interested in sharing a room.
Visit the UCC Regions East website here to register today!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Daniel MacDonald
Intergenerational Worship Education Series
The Faith Formation and Leadership Development Committee of Bermuda-Nova Scotia Region invites you to participate in a 4 week program exploring Intergenerational Worship. Designed for lay persons who provide worship leadership within their own congregations, the sessions will be offered via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 April 9-30 inclusive. Join presenters Rev. Catherine Stuart, Regional Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults; Paige Fraser, Families Ministries Leader at Bedford United Church. Rev. Dr. Karen MacLeod-Wilkie of South Shore Pastoral Charge in Prince Edward Island and Rev. Rick Gunn, minister of St. Luke’s United Church, Upper Tantallon NS. There is a cost of $25.00. Click here to register for the series.
From Struggling to Thriving: How to Revitalize Canada’s Medicare System
Join Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and respected health journalist André Picard. As a keynote event in the Moderator’s Flourishing initiative, Picard will reflect on which changes would transform medicare from a “sickness care” system to a “health care” system.
April 11, 6:30 p.m., Canadian Museum of Immigration @ Pier 21, 1055 Marginal Rd., Halifax, NS. Registration and tickets available on Eventbrite.
Is Your Church Flourishing?
Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and Cameron Fraser, Director of Growth for The United Church of Canada, will conduct a free workshop for congregations with a view to dreaming great ideas into reality. Spend the day reflecting and engaging in energizing activities towards dream-oriented actions for our churches and communities (Flourishing Project)
Open to everyone. Invite your friends, too.
April 13, 9:30-4 p.m., Bedford United Church, 1200 Bedford Hwy, Bedford, NS. Free registration.
Save the date – Next Affirm Webinar
Our next FSLDW Affirm Webinar will be on April 18, 2024. Getting Started Toward Becoming an Affirming Congregation. Our presenter will be Rev Kim Curlett, the Atlantic representative for Affirm United. We’ll have time for questions and conversation about your particular congregation’s wonderings. Watch for the registration details in these announcements in the next weeks. Hope to see you there!
UCW Annual Meeting Registration Deadline Approaching
The Maritime UCW Annual Meeting “Pass on Beauty – Spiritual Practices for These Days ” April 26-28 at St James United Antigonish is fast approaching. Registration Deadline is March 26th, 2024. Registration can be found on the UCW ministries webpage.
Greetings Growth Seekers from Growth Animator Sharon
We make the road by walking…how is your community of faith making its road? What great things are you celebrating through your skills and special talents? What ideas are you trying for outreach to connect with others? A pastoral charge shared with me about “spiritual health” pastoral visitation teams their small rural charge started, equipping each visiting team with a box of Kleenex to take to their visit. Doesn’t that sound like an invitation to share, to risk vulnerability and show interest in hearing someone’s story. I think of tears as wet prayers. As bold disciples how are you connecting with the hearts of others, or dreaming about strengthening capacity to do so? I heard from another group that has a traveling picnic basket, intentionally inviting sharing food and conversation. Maybe you have a picnic basket ministry waiting to be born? Another community of faith started a pantry table as a midweek offering to the wider community, putting out items they wanted to give to others. While this one was food based it could be a wider “give and take” ministry. A side benefit is people are coming for conversation and fellowship, like an unplanned drop-in” ministry to visit and build relationships together. Are you talking with other communities of faith, within our denomination, ecumenically or interfaith? Plan a time when people can come and share. You may discover ways to support each other and reach neighbours around your neighbourhoods. Reach out and share your ideas with me. You can reach me by email at or by phone 705 875-8837. Let’s grow together with deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice.
Nova Scotia Pastoral Charge Seeking New Minister
Windsor United Church is actively searching for an Ordained Minister to lead us in meaningful worship.
Windsor United is a unique, growing, family-oriented church located in the Annapolis Valley area of Nova Scotia. We are a vibrant multi-generational congregation with a strong foundation of over 100 years of ministry. There exists a very active support system within the church that enables the various committees to meet their commitments, thus assisting the ministerial staff with their responsibilities.
The profile and position details available on ChurchHub. For more information contact
Palestinian Land Exercise
On February 17th, individuals from across our three regions gathered at the Dalhousie Campus in Truro for Facilitator training in the Palestinian Land Exercise. Modelled on the Kairos Blanket Exercise, this education tool will help participants understand the historic conflict between Palestinians and the State of Israel. It is an experiential tool that will put you into the shoes of those who experienced it.
The first version… the UNJPPI version of the Palestine Land Exercise began in 2015 under the title “Just Work in Progress” by Doug Rigby. It was renamed and rewritten in 2018 by the Mennonite Central Committee to include personal stories based on the work of Mennonites on the ground in Palestine. This version, the version we are working with, was then edited and updated by the Halifax Just Peace Group.
During our day – After an introduction, participants and trainers got into character before beginning.
The participants each took on a role as a participant but also practices their role as a facilitator as the teams prepared to take the exercise back to their communities. The time ‘on the ground’ was followed by a debrief session. Each presentation of the exercise will be followed with this opportunity to talk about the experience.
We were then fortunate to hear Linda, Doug and Magi speak. Each shared information about the situation in the Middle East and helped those gathered to integrate the days learning.
If you are interested in having the Palestinian Land Exercise come to you, please contact a member of the Just Peace for Palestine and Israel Working Group, part of the Justice, Mission and Outreach Committee of your region.
Pastoral Charge Information Form
The 2024 Pastoral Charge Information Form can be found on our Regional Council website under forms.
If you have had your annual congregational meeting and have elected your governing body for 2024, please click on the link below to complete. If you have not had your annual meeting, and have the same people serving in the governing body, we kindly ask you to still fill out the information forms.
Communities of Faith Annual Reports – Reminder
It’s that time of year again where we request your Annual Reports. Please email when they are available (electronic files are preferred) to your Regional Council using the following email:
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council:
If you are unable to submit by email please mail one copy of your report to:
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council
21 Wright Street
Sackville, NB E4L 4P8
Guidelines for Online Banking in Our Communities of Faith
From Your Financial Accountability and Investments Committee
The pandemic has changed the way we do church in many ways, not the least of which is the way we bank. During the pandemic online banking became a useful tool for giving to our churches even when we weren’t gathering in person, and e-transfers have now become a regular vehicle for receiving donations in many of our communities of faith.
The General Council Office has provided the following best practices for receiving e-transfers in our communities of faith:
§ Create a dedicated email address for receiving e-transfer donations, and direct all e-transfer donations to that email address
§ Configure the e-transfer service to enable auto-deposit to the church’s bank account
§ Develop a standard set of e-transfer donation instruction for donors. Here’s an example:
If you wish to donate via Interac e-Transfer, please follow these steps:
1. Log into your online banking and select Interac e-Transfer
2. Add “xxx Pastoral Charge” as a new recipient, using this special email address set-up for receiving e-transfers only: Please do not include any security question, as the account is configured to deposit the funds automatically upon transfer
3. In the message space, please provide your name and indicate the purpose of the e-transfer, for example, “donation to M&S,” payment for 2 tickets to the coffee house,” etc.
4. If you wish to receive a receipt for your donation, please also include your full name, address, phone number, and email address in the message space
Please Note: Though many of us have also become accustomed to the convenience of paying of our personal household bills online, this practice is not an appropriate way for faith communities to pay bills, reimburse expenses, or otherwise disseminate funds, as two-party-approval of e-transfers is not possible. Two-party-approval practices (e.g. requiring two signatures on a cheque) help protect both Communities of Faith and Treasurers from risks of misappropriation of funds, whether intentional or accidental.
Church treasurers and others involved in congregational finances have become regular guests of United in Learning’s “Webinars for Church Treasurers”. These are a great way to keep up-to-date with best practices and changes to church financial policies. The next webinar will take place Wednesday, April 3rd at 8pm Atl. If you wish to take part, you may register at Alternately, these informative webinars can be viewed live or after the fact on YouTube; search for “Webinars for United Church Treasurers” in the YouTube app to find them.
With appreciation for all that you do, and we hope this information is helpful!
Stewardship Update – March 2024
Please click here to read the Stewardship update.
Would you share? Please!
Montreal Dio – French for Ministry Intensive Course
Montreal Dio is offering a one week French for Ministry Intensive Course starting May 6, 2024. To read more about the details, cost, and how to register, click here.
Time for action
Your Regional Affirm committee is discussing how we can be supportive to our trans youth in this time of political debate and decision making that is impacting their lives. Our suggestions…
- stay up on the information…. -national group with up to date info ; (a PEI support organization); – for 2SLBGTQ+, families, friends and allies. Chapters in Grand Falls-Windsor and St John’s NL; Halifax, Southwest NS, Sydney-Cape Breton and Truro; Fredericton, Sackville and Saint John, NB. in Saint John, NB area.
- attend public gatherings supporting trans youth
- encourage your congregation to have P.I.E. events – that’s Public, Intentional, Explicit actions of support for 2SLGBTQ+ people
- follow Affirm United on Facebook… share posts that help educate and support our youth.
we all need to be doing our part…. join this call to action.
Join Campaign Against Using Trans People as a Wedge Issue
As part of PIE Day, Grace United Church in Dartmouth has started a letter writing campaign against the use of wedge politics; in particular, using trans people as a wedge issue whether under the guise of parental rights, women’s safety or fairness in sports. By making them the “other”, it becomes more dangerous for this vulnerable population. We encourage people to write to the leaders of political parties. See the social justice page on our website for more information including a sample letter to download.