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To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
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To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Committee Volunteer form.
Young Clergy Retreat Postponed
Because of the potential for bad weather here in the Maritimes over the next few days, the planning group for the Young Clergy Retreat has decided to postpone until Thursday May 23 and Friday May 24. The retreat will still be at the Tatamagouche Centre (as they graciously allowed us to postpone without penalty).
For those who had already registered, you will not have to re-register.
For those who did not register for the retreat because of a conflict, or were unable to do so in time, a new registration link is available below:
We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause some. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Proposals Deadline – This Friday
The proposals templates can be found here. The deadline for proposals is April 5, 2024.
Annual Meeting Registration is Open
Registration is open for the annual meeting. Please read the memo sent from the Executive Minister. Visit the annual meeting webpage regularly for the latest updates and information on the upcoming meeting. Reminder, if you require meals and/or accommodations, they must be registered for separately. To read the welcome letter from Dalhousie University, Agricultural Campus (Truro), with meal/accommodations information, please click here.
As noted previously, the link to register for the Dal AC accommodations and meals will not let allow those staying off campus to choose just meals. Therefore, they have provided a form for those wishing to select meals only. Please fill out the form and return it to the email address provided ( at the bottom of the form. If you have any questions, please contact Dal AC directly.
Youth @ Region 2024
Calling all Youth, between grades 6-12! Registration is now open for Youth @ Region!
Y@R is a place of community and a place of faith where United Church youth, between grade 6 and grade 12, meet from across Nova Scotia and Bermuda. It takes place during the Annual Meeting of Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council (BNS), which is a gathering of representatives who make decisions and set policies for the United Church of Canada. The group creates an inclusive, diverse and safe community for youth in the name of Christ. We provide a place for youth to explore their faith and to learn more about the United Church of Canada while sharing in music, worship and fun in a spirit-filled community. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please email
Register here.
Annual Meeting Draft Agenda
The annual meeting draft agenda can now be found on the Annual Meeting webpage. As information for the meeting becomes available it will be posted on this page.
Nominations are Open for President-Elect
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council is seeking nominations for President-Elect. The President serves for a total of 3 years: as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The President-Elect will serve as a member of the Regional Executive, leading our Region in its work and ministry, within the bounds of the Region. Serving as President of the Region offers many unique and exciting opportunities to engage in the work and life of the Region. More information on the role of President can be found here.
The election will take place at the Annual meeting. In order to post bios of the nominees and allow for printing of meeting materials, please submit nominations by April 26, 2024 at midnight. Nominations can also come from the floor of the meeting at which time nominations will close at the close of the Friday night session. Nominations are open to all members of the Regional Council, including ministry personnel and lay representatives. To submit your nomination, please fill out the form here. The nomination form must include the name of the mover and seconder of the nomination. The Nominee, the mover and seconder must be members of Regional Council. If you have any questions, please contact Nominations Chair, Alicia Cox.
Intergenerational Worship Education Series
The Faith Formation and Leadership Development Committee of Bermuda-Nova Scotia Region invites you to participate in a 4 week program exploring Intergenerational Worship. Designed for lay persons who provide worship leadership within their own congregations, the sessions will be offered via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 April 9-30 inclusive. Join presenters Rev. Catherine Stuart, Regional Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults; Paige Fraser, Families Ministries Leader at Bedford United Church. Rev. Dr. Karen MacLeod-Wilkie of South Shore Pastoral Charge in Prince Edward Island and Rev. Rick Gunn, minister of St. Luke’s United Church, Upper Tantallon NS. There is a cost of $25.00 for the full program. Click here to register for the series.
Kairos Round Table with Shannon Neufelt – April 10 – potluck lunch at St Andrew’s Halifax
If you, and/or someone at your church, cares about addressing the climate crisis, social justice, human rights for all, and would like to know more about KAIROS, come to a potluck lunch! Shannon Neufelt, KAIROS national staff for member relations and network coordinator, will lead a discussion about the justice work KAIROS groups are engaged in across the country.
Come to the kitchen at St Andrew’s United Church, 6036 Coburg Rd., Halifax. Bring food to share at the table by 12:30 pm. Let us know if you can come, to give us an idea of how many are coming (for chairs, coffee etc). RSVP to: Make something to eat, pick up something to bring, or just come – there’s always enough at a potluck. We’ll share our justice work, concerns and questions as we get ideas from each other.
From Struggling to Thriving: How to Revitalize Canada’s Medicare System
Join Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and respected health journalist André Picard. As a keynote event in the Moderator’s Flourishing initiative, Picard will reflect on which changes would transform medicare from a “sickness care” system to a “health care” system.
April 11, 6:30 p.m., Canadian Museum of Immigration @ Pier 21, 1055 Marginal Rd., Halifax, NS. Registration and tickets available on Eventbrite.
Order Breaking the Silence coffee, stoles by May 3rd. Pick-up at Annual Meeting
The Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network, longtime partner of the United Church and supported by the Mission and Service Fund, is once again offering churches the opportunity to buy the Just Us! Breaking the Silence brand of coffee wholesale. $58.50 for a box with 6 12. oz bags of ground coffee. Your purchase supports small farmers and the Highlands Committee of Small Farmers, who are courageous defenders of land and labour rights. As well Guatemalan liturgical stoles (rainbow, red, green, blue, purple) are for sale. $45. If you want to be sure to have the colour you want, please order ahead. For both coffee and stole orders, contact Kathryn Anderson <> no later than May 3rd.
We will also have stunning crafts from UPAVIM, an inspiring Guatemalan women’s cooperative for sale at the Annual Meeting.
Greetings Growth Seekers from Growth Animator Sharon
Are you growing weary with focus on decline and fears? Celebrate some wins instead of wearying worries. Be intentional to focus on lifting up successes and meaningful connections with people. Keep making spiritual growth your intentional priority individually and collectively. Stay committed to loving God through loving people. How are all the ways you loved people today? This week? We know loneliness is a mental health crisis. Strike up conversations at your local coffee shop, favourite restaurant, lobby of your apartment building, with someone out for a walk in the neighbourhood, an employee where you work or are getting goods or services. What stories did you hear? How did it make you feel? Imagine every team or committee meeting, each gathering celebrating how we are loving people and how we can do it even better? Open meetings with spiritual focus and sharing. A few stories shared won’t alone transform your church, but is part of your transforming! How can we offer renewed community, friendships, relationship building opportunities? Who in our wider neighbourhoods can help us connect with more people to love and more neighbourhoods to improve? Talk to other places of worship, points of interest and potential community partners and see how you might help each other. Promote each other’s activities and keep drawing the circle wider. You can reach me by email at or by phone 705 875-8837. Let’s grow together with deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice
Pastoral Charge Information Form
The 2024 Pastoral Charge Information Form can be found on our Regional Council website under forms.
If you have had your annual congregational meeting and have elected your governing body for 2024, please click on the link below to complete. If you have not had your annual meeting, and have the same people serving in the governing body, we kindly ask you to still fill out the information forms.
Becoming an Affirming Congregation – First Steps
Our FSLDW Affirm Committee offers something on first steps every year. If you’ve begun the conversation “officially” or if you are one person wanted to get the conversation started, this is a good place to join others who have questions and experiences to offer.
This Zoom gathering will be on April 18th 7:00-8:30, with guest Kim Curlett, United Church minister and our Atlantic representative for Affirm United. Click here for the registration link for the meeting.
Searching for a full-time Lead Minister, Bedford Pastoral Charge, NS
This is a full time, Lead Ministerial position responsible for encouraging the ongoing development, growth and evolution of Bedford United Church’s vision and values. The incoming minister will have an opportunity to help shape the future of the church’s spiritual offerings, its community and social justice impacts, and its interdenominational relationships. Bedford United Church is an inclusive, and affirming community of faith, currently involved in a multi-year initiative exploring options for long term sustainability and renewal.
The Lead Minister is responsible to provide leadership and support to the Ministerial Team and their programs. The ministerial team currently consists of a part time Minister of Congregational Care and two part time Congregational Designated Ministry positions: the Family Ministry Leader and the Music Ministries Lead. Along with members of the ministry team, additional church personnel and dedicated volunteers, the Lead Minister will ensure the delivery of regular services, music, pastoral care, among other offerings.
Please see ChurchHub for additional details on the Lead Minister Position Description. As well, we invite anyone to visit our website to view our Community of Faith Profile. Any questions can be directed to:
Nova Scotia Pastoral Charge Seeking New Minister
Windsor United Church is actively searching for a Minister to lead us in meaningful worship.
Windsor United is a unique, growing, family-oriented church located in the Annapolis Valley area of Nova Scotia. We are a vibrant multi-generational congregation with a strong foundation of over 100 years of ministry. There exists a very active support system within the church that enables the various committees to meet their commitments, thus assisting the ministerial staff with their responsibilities.
The profile and position details available on ChurchHub. For more information contact
Choir Gowns
Beacon United Church in Yarmouth has 15 choir gowns (blue with yellow/gold scarf) to give to a congregation or organization that can use them. Please email Janet Sollows at for more information.
Bridges to Hope: Connecting Spirituality and Imagination
ASTE 2024 invites you to a time of deepening spirituality. Daily we experience spiritual angst and despair arising from; climate collapse, wars, illness, personal and/or global discord. Presenters from Celtic and Indigenous perspectives will explore the potential of our innate ability for imagination and spirituality to lead us out of despair and into hope. This is an opportunity to explore the topic Bridges of Hope: Connecting Spirituality and Imagination in depth in a safe and supportive environment under the guidance of The Rev. Dr. Teresa Burnett-Cole, The Rev. J Ivan Gregan and the ASTE2024 community.
Have questions, have answers, join us – Tatamagouche Centre, June 17-20, 2024; ASTE2024