Submission Request for Weekly Announcements
Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)
It’s Your Call – Podcast
Spark Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.
Condolences – Jean Cameron
Our condolences and prayers are extended to the family of Jean Cameron, Charlottetown, widow of Rev. Ranald Cameron, who died on March 27, 2024. An obituary can be found here.
Condolences – Joan Sutherland
Our condolences and prayers are extended to the family of Joan Sutherland, widow of Rev. Donald Sutherland, who died on May 1, 2024. Her obituary can be found here.
General Council Commissioners – Deadline May 10
The deadline for nominations for General Council 45 Commissioners is May 10. The original announcement can be read here. More information about the role of a commissioner can be found here. If you are interested in serving as a Commissioner to the 45th General Council, please fill out the form here. If you have, any questions, please be in touch with the Nominations Committee Chair, Rev. Rose-Hannah Gaskin.
Annual Meeting Registration is Open
Registration is open for the annual meeting. Please read the memo sent from the Executive Minister. Visit the annual meeting webpage regularly for the latest updates and information on the upcoming meeting.
Kitchen Party at the Annual Meeting
I’m sure you have heard about all these talent shows made especially popular with the dawn of the “Reality Show” era… but did you know that the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters has the equivalent at our Regional AGM? That’s right… it is called the Kitchen Party and it will be co-hosted by Rachel Campbell and Catherine Ann Dickson. Held on Saturday night after all the business is done we get the opportunity to share our talents. So sign up to share your talent (when you register you will be asked about a talent for the Kitchen Party), attend to cheer everyone on and well basically have a blast. Don’t miss 2024 Kitchen Party at UPEI. Do we have talent? You tell us.
Youth @ Region 2024
Calling all Youth, between grades 6-12! Registration is now open for Youth @ Region!
Y@R is a place of community and a place of faith where United Church youth, between grade 6 and grade 12, meet from across New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and the Gaspe. It takes place during the Annual Meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council (FSLDW), which is a gathering of representatives who make decisions and set policies for the United Church of Canada. The group creates an inclusive, diverse and safe community for youth in the name of Christ. We provide a place for youth to explore their faith and to learn more about the United Church of Canada while sharing in music, worship and fun in a spirit-filled community.
We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please email
Register here
Annual Meeting Draft Agenda
The annual meeting draft agenda can now be found on the Annual Meeting webpage. As information for the meeting becomes available it will be posted on this page.
Nominations are Open for President-Elect – Deadline Friday May 17, 2024
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council is seeking nominations for President-Elect. The President serves for a total of 3 years: as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. The President-Elect will serve as a member of the Regional Executive, leading our Region in its work and ministry, within the bounds of the Region. Serving as President of the Region offers many unique and exciting opportunities to engage in the work and life of the Region. More information on the role of President can be found here.
The election will take place at the Annual meeting. In order to post bios of the nominees and allow for printing of meeting materials, please submit nominations by May 17, 2024 at midnight. Nominations can also come from the floor of the meeting at which time nominations will close at the close of the Friday night session. Nominations are open to all members of the Regional Council, including ministry personnel and lay representatives. To submit your nomination, please fill out the form here. The nomination form must include the name of the mover and seconder of the nomination. The Nominee, the mover and seconder must be members of Regional Council. If you have any questions, please contact Nominations Chair, Rose-Hannah Gaskin.
Are you considering retirement?
If you are considering retiring or have retired since our last annual meeting, please see our Regional retirement resource. If you have made the decision to retire please fill out the form.
Thank you.
Executive Minutes
The draft Executive minutes from the April 17, 2024 meeting are now available on the FSLDW website.
Hello from President Elizabeth Stevenson
Tis the season of Anniversaries!
On Sunday May 5 I had the delight to join Mount Royal UC, Moncton, NB for their 65th Anniversary celebration of being church. With shepherds crook in hand, on your behalf, I offered words of congratulations and gratitude for ministry. And was honoured to share a reflection.
Please click here to read the full Hello from FSLDW President Elizabeth.
Greetings Growth Seekers from Growth Animator Sharon
What size do you need? Do you ever find the supersize amounts of items for purchase are too much for one or two people, or even family size is too much? Do you have people who find it hard to shop due to time constraints, transportation challenges, mobility limitations, or just don’t enjoy it? Could a new ministry of resizing and packaging be part of your community ministry? How might you reimagine a ministry of repackaging, resizing to fit needs and the potential cost savings? Can you reimagine a group coming together for coffee and fellowship and having a productive task of working together to repackage items to meet the needs of your congregants, or in your neighbourhood? Perhaps it could supplement existing food bank needs in your neighbourhood? Perhaps items could go into a tiny pantry outreach that you have or another place in your neighbourhood has? Perhaps you could add a special ministry such as the birthday bag ministry in your local clothing or toys and games outreach? Imagine loot bags available with cake mix, icing, and perhaps other decorative toppings to sweeten the package. Perhaps you can create a community partnership with your local grocer, bulk food supplier or other business in your neighbourhood? Does your community of faith have a gift card program? Selling gift cards for things like food, gas, restaurants, retail stores not only provides ease of shopping and gift giving but your community of faith gets some money from the sale of every card. Be deep, bold and daring to imagine something new, or reimagine becoming more with what you already do. Do you have other ideas. Share them with me and it might spark something beautiful in the imaginations of other ministries. You can reach me by email at or by phone 705 875-8837. Let’s grow together with deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice
Stewardship Update – May 2024
Please click here to read the latest Stewardship update.
Learning Opportunity!
This program is suitable for ministry leaders, admin staff, lay leaders, and students (in any program) … come learn with us!
What’s next for you and your organization? Are you trying to solve a problem, run an effective meeting, guide a special project, or help a group make decisions to advance from “A to B”? Do you need some further coaching and encouragement to help you move things forward?
Join Dr. Shawn Jolemore for a practical, three-part webinar series (May 9, 16, and 23) designed to explore the challenges of leadership, organization, and facilitation of “strategic convenings”. Shawn will offer real-world personal and professional insights while exploring tools, mindsets, and methodologies that will help you deepen your collaborations and achieve meaningful results. [IF YOU MISS A SESSION, IT WILL BE RECORDED FOR YOU.]
Retirement Open House – The Rev. Ivan Gregan
Join Us for a Retirement Celebration to honour the Rev. Ivan Gregan
36 Years of Faithful Service to the Congregation of Port Wallis United Church!
Open House – Saturday, May 25th from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Port Wallis United Church, 263 Waverley Rd, Dartmouth NS
Donations for UPEI Food Bank Gratefully Accepted
Registrants at the up-coming FSLDW Regional Council meeting are invited to bring along a non-perishable food item or grocery gift card for the UPEI Food Bank. Donations may be dropped off at the time of registration Thursday, May 30th, or at the Business Table on Friday, May 31st. Students are among the most in need of a little extra help in these times of inflation in food prices. Please note that this is a completely voluntary gesture.
The Other Side of the Wall Book Study
People around the world have seen and heard the Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac’s Christmas Sermon “Under the Rubble”.
Now the Just Peace Working Group are inviting you to hear more from this extraordinary theologian.
Tuesday evenings in June, at 7:00pm Atlantic, join us while we study Munther’s book “The Other Side of the Wall”. The book can be purchased from Amazon or you can order it through your local bookstore.
You can register for the book study by emailing or by clicking on this link.
Send us your stuff!
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters’ Faith Formation and Education Committee is creating a library of Worship Resources to be available on our website. Some of you have expressed your willingness to share your worship services and sermons, especially for use by lay people who find themselves called upon to lead worship. These people have found it frustrating to access United Church of Canada resources which do not require subscriptions, especially during “Ordinary” time.
We certainly welcome your submissions for special services, special dates, special days, but would really appreciate materials for regular Sundays that don’t get that much attention. These do not have to be a complete package. Send an order of worship with or without a sermon. Send just a sermon or two.
Worship services should be clearly marked with a liturgical date (Pentecost 3B, for example) or their special day, like Earth Sunday 2024. Sermons could have the same designation but it would also be helpful to have noted the scripture that is the subject, such as Matthew 22:1-14.
Once we have some to share, they will be available to everybody in the Resources section of the FSLDW website.
Send sermons and worship services to:
Thank you for your participation.
Getting Started: Becoming an Affirming Ministry
Our April 18th webinar, led by Kim Curlett, is now available on the FSLDW Website under Resources or Affirm. Here is the link:
Our Affirm Committee will offer a workshop at the Annual Meeting, sharing some insights from the experiences of those who have been in, or are working through, the Affirming process.
It’s Time to Support the PEI Basic Income Project
You could help Coalition Canadian in your capacity as a faith group leader. Last November we published the PEI Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) report. This report has changed the landscape for guaranteed basic income advocacy. It has addressed key issues on how to implement a GBI. This has led to many serious conversations with senior policy people and politicians. It has led, for example, to a window opening between a federal and a (PEI) provincial Minister for an early stage ‘working group’ to be established to discuss data, administrative, and tax issues. This is huge step for GBI. Policy Options/IRPP has published an article about the work.
In a few weeks we will be sending a letter to a small number of MPs who will be involved in the election platform planning process for each Federal political party, asking them to put the PEI GBI demonstration project on their party’s platform. Your support is important. It will indicate to the MPs the breadth of support from people and organizations who understand how a GBI could affect the lives of people.
Please read and sign the letter. If you can, please share with your colleagues in the faith community.
Here is the link: