Submission Request for Weekly Announcements
Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)
It’s Your Call – Podcast
Spark Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.
Condolences – Rev. Dr. Malcolm Colin Grant
Our condolences are extended to the family of Rev. Dr. Malcolm Colin Grant who passed away on July 25, 2024. An obituary can be found here.
Obituary for Scott Martin
Please click here to read an obituary for Scott Martin, father of Max Martin, who passed away on July 24, 2024.
Decommissioning Service for Valley-Greenfield United Church
All are warmly invited to join us at Valley- Greenfield United Church, 110 Salmon River Rd., Valley, NS, for our decommissioning service this Sunday, August 4, at 7 PM. Rev. Carolyn Wilson-Wynn will be our guest speaker. A reception will follow.
United Church Bookstore
The United Church Bookstore is taking pre- orders for the following
2025 Abingdon Preaching Annual
2025 Abingdon Worship Annual
The cost of the books are $42.95 tax included.
To place an order contact Leona at or 1.800-268-3781, ext. 6141
Fall Youth @ Region Camp Event
From Friday, September 27-Sunday, September 29, there will be a youth event at Camp Wegesegum (360 Wegesegum Lane, Coal Creek, NB (just outside Chipman). This event is for youth from grade 6-12, and registration for the event is $75. There will be opportunities for worship, fun, and learning as together we explore themes of Truth & Reconciliation and the impacts we all have in creating and deepening relationships in our communities. Financial Support is available. Contact for more information. To register your youth for this camp weekend, please fill in the linked registration form. If you prefer a paper copy, please reach out to
Registration Form:
Greetings from Regional President
Dear Members of FSLDW Region,
For the first time since having been installed as President, I attended the celebration of the life of one of our Ministers, bringing condolences from Regional Council, staff and Communities of Faith. The life and 60 plus years of work of Rev. Dr. Colin Grant was celebrated on July 30th in Sackville. Rev. Catherine Gaw presided and spoke eloquently of his love of family, and of his work in church ministry, and as Professor of Religious Studies at Mount Allison University. I was touched to see that the flags at Mt. A were at half mast in his honour.
I have recently been thinking about the central role played by church choirs in the spiritual life of those Communities of Faith fortunate enough to have a choir. As a choir member myself, I, along with my choir mates, have derived so many spiritual blessings over our years of participating in this music ministry. And, from the enthusiastic feedback received from our congregation members, it is clear to me that our offerings are received as blessings by them as well.
In honour of church choirs, therefore, I am launching an appeal for photos with short captions of choirs past and present from around our Region, which I will forward for posting on our Facebook pages. Please send them to me by email. To start the ball rolling, I am attaching a photo here of my own choir at Winsloe United on PEI, taken last summer at the 25th anniversary of the coming together of the five little churches in our charge to form one unified new Community of Faith.
In faith,
Sue LeMaistre
Back row: Janet Hurry, Wayne Diamond, Blaine Diamond, Sue LeMaistre, Gail Carter-Jay, Bob Acorn
Front Row: Stephanie Cole (music director), Virginia Proude, Elizabeth Coles, Gloria MacLeod, Janet Boetcher, Ruth Kennedy
Greetings Growth Seekers from Growth Animator Sharon
I was at a worship service recently that saw more than a dozen United Churches come together for a service held, fittingly, in a historic Pioneer village as they commemorated the 99th birthday of the United Church of Canada. They are making plans for the hundredth wondering if they will need to rent a local memorial centre. Commemorating the centennial, consider applying for centennial grants. The United Church Foundations Seeds of Hope grant applications are also coming up, due by October 15. The Joint Grants Committee is now welcoming applications for new, unique projects which are: Providing innovative seniors’ ministry; Celebrating and encouraging children and youth; Addressing environmental and social justice issues; Looking at new ways to provide ministry and support during transition periods; Facilitating experiencing faith and spirituality. Repeatedly communities of faith are reporting when they have gotten past their fears and worries about money and become open to community partners, new ways to revitalize and energize, new possibilities keep emerging. Volunteers, visitors, one shared idea leading to more new ideas and hope growing! The United Church Foundation may have grants to help. So, granting this round are the Rowntree Scholarship, Alvin Dixon Memorial Bursary, Promotion Project Fund, and don’t forget about the “United, we,” new dedicated trust-based granting stream! In each of the next two years (2024 and 2025), up to $100,000 will be available through ‘United, we’ to support impactful existing work at United Church organizations and partners who otherwise would not qualify for funding through current granting programs. The Promotion Project Fund will provide grants of up to $10,000 to support congregations in their marketing efforts as they seek to attract members, promote their vital ministries, and retain a strong community presence. Give the United Church Foundation a call 1-866-340-8223 or email to explore possibilities. Don’t forget to explore federal, provincial and municipal grants and support that comes through your surrounding community. You can reach me by email at or by phone 705 875-8837. Let’s grow together with deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice.
Minister’s Position Quispamsis United Church
Quispamsis Pastoral Charge searching for a Minister three quarter to full time (40 hours per week) to start as soon as practical.
Region is Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters
Quispamsis is located just outside Saint John, N.B.
QUC is looking for both worship and strategic leadership. Worship will continue to be first with us, but we recognize we must discern our future and will need guidance. More detail is provided in the Position Description and our recent Faith Profile, both of which are on ChurchHub.
Are you considering retirement?
If you are considering retiring or have retired since our last annual meeting, please see our Regional retirement resource. If you have made the decision to retire please fill out the form.
Thank you.
The United Church of Canada Foundation’s Fall 2024 grant round is now open!
Seeds of Hope grants support unique and innovative ventures that are ready to make an impact in our United Church and beyond. We are excited to learn what you’re up to!
The Joint Grants Committee is now welcoming applications for new, unique projects which are:
• Providing innovative seniors’ ministry
• Celebrating and encouraging children and youth
• Addressing environmental and social justice issues
• Looking at new ways to provide ministry and support during transition periods
• Facilitating experiencing faith and spirituality
Also granting this round are the Rowntree Scholarship, Alvin Dixon Memorial Bursary, Promotion Project Fund, Centennial Granting Fund and United, we.
Seeds of Hope applications are due October 15, 2024; other deadlines vary, so please check the terms before you apply. Learn more:
3 New United Church of Canada Foundation Grant Opportunities
The United Church of Canada Foundation is thrilled to announce 3 exciting new grant programs that will commence this Fall!
United, we
Introducing a huge boost to our trust-based granting program: “United, we”, our new dedicated trust-based granting stream!
In each of the next two years (2024 and 2025), up to $100,000 will be available through ‘United, we’ to support impactful existing work at United Church organizations and partners who otherwise would not qualify for funding through current granting programs.
Centennial Granting Fund
As we approach the United Church of Canada Centennial, many communities of faith will be eager to hold services and activities in celebration. This program will provide funding for events marking the milestone, emphasizing the importance of uniting to commemorate this historic achievement.
Communities of faith and other organizations planning special events to commemorate the Centennial can apply for grants of up to $5,000.
Promotion Project Fund
Owing to the generosity and creativity of a Foundation donor, this program will provide grants of up to $10,000 to support congregations in their marketing efforts as they seek to attract members, promote their vital ministries, and retain a strong community presence.
Learn more and apply now: