Submission Request for Weekly Announcements
Staff Directory
It’s Your Call – Podcast
News from the Pews Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here. To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here. To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here. To view upcoming events at the the Centre for Christian Studies please click here. Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Committee Volunteer form.
Dear Regional Council Members,
The General Council has implemented a new phone system, the exciting news, is that we are able to have our own direct phone numbers and outgoing messages.
We are introducing new phone numbers for all staff in the three eastern regions: First Dawn Eastern Edge, Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters, and Bermuda-Nova Scotia. While the new numbers are currently live, the formal change over will occur on January 21st, 2025. Until then the Mitel System and the new system can be used and messages can be retrieved. However, after January 21st, only the new numbers and message service will be operating,
For a copy of the directory, please see the link.
Condolences – Rev. Thomas G. Whent
Our condolences are extended to the family of Rev. Thomas G. Whent who passed away on Monday, January 20, 2025. He was ordained by the Maritime Conference, the United Church, Canada, in 1965, Tommey served the church in the North Bedque Pastoral Charge, Freetown, and Lot 16, in PEI, St. Andrew’s United Church, Sydney, Blacketts Lake United Church, Blacketts Lake and Westmount United Church, Westmount, prior to becoming Chaplain at the Cove Guest Home, Sydney. Tommey served on many boards, organizations and committees over the years. In his 70s he finished and received his Doctorate in Ministry. His obituary can be viewed here.
UCW Centennial Service
Dear Regional Council Communities of Faith,
United Church Women Leading the Way!
United Church Women (UCW) have been preparing for the centennial commemorations. They have prepared a worship service that they are offering to lead in your Pastoral Charges and they have named March 2nd, 2025 as the date to host their service. For many communities of faith, your first centennial event may be March 2nd, with worship led by United Church Women (UCW). UCW’s across Canada are dedicating that Sunday to remembering the faithful and dedicated service of women’s organizations throughout the past 100 years of the church’s life. More information about the UCW and resources for the service itself may be found at:
We encourage you to support your UCW in this wonderful offering to the church!!
Thank you to our UCW for your ministry.
HRM UCC Youth Event – Friday, January 24th
All youth and leaders are welcome to an HRM youth event! Friday, January 24th from 6-8pm at Bedford United Church! It’s giant games night with human hungry hungry hippos, axe throwing, giant Yahtzee, scrabble and more! 🎲♟🎈
Bring a snack to share, a friend, and some good old friendly competition. A great chance to see friends from Youth@Region and Rendezvous! Contact Natalie Moyes ( for more details.
Please click here to register.
Hope to see you there!
Service of Celebration for Rev. Dr. Sally Shaw’s Retirement
St. John’s United Church, Fall River warmly welcomes you to attend the final service for Rev. Dr. Sally Shaw on Sunday, January 26th 11am. Rev. Sally has faithfully served the Waverley Pastoral Charge for over 6 years with strong dedication, compassion and leadership. Rev. Dr. Rob Fennell will be preaching. All are welcome to attend, and stay for the luncheon to follow. We wish Rev. Sally all the best in her retirement, and are grateful for her ministry with us.
Please reach out to or 902-860-4000 with any questions.
St. John’s United Church, Fall River 3360 Hwy #2 Fall River, NS B2T 1J2
An affirming congregation of the United Church of Canada
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Four ecumenical services and a public lecture “Nicaea as a cornerstone of Christian ecumenism” are planned for Halifax 19-26 January. Details can be found at the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth website. You may have to scroll down.
Sunday 19 January 4pm All Saints Cathedral
Monday 20 January 7pm Public Lecture, Resurrection Lutheran
Tuesday 21 January 7pm Saint John’s United
Thursday 23 January 2pm Northwood Halifax Campus
Sunday 26 January 3 pm Saint Benedict Catholic Parish
Fresh New Year! Is it time for a United Fresh Start Workshop?
What is United Fresh Start?
United Fresh Start is a curriculum with over 20 modules that teach ministers and community of faith leaders, critical strategies for working effectively together. It contains proven methods based on the work of organizational leadership experts. The program covers key topics, such as entering new systems, conflict management, family systems theory, polarity management, church size theory, and adaptive leadership. Together, ministers and community of faith leaders gain a unified understanding of leadership expectations, role clarity, and the use of power and authority. The program helps create a united fresh start for the pastoral relationship and prepares you for effective mission and ministry together.
We have trained facilitators available to come to your Community of Faith or you can gather a cluster together. To book a facilitator, contact Pastoral Relations Minister David Hewitt, 1-800-268-3781 ext. 6154.
VACANCY: Minister’s Position Quispamsis United Church
Quispamsis Pastoral Charge searching for a Minister three quarter to full time (40 hours per week) to start as soon as practical.
Region is Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters
Quispamsis is located just outside Saint John, N.B.
QUC is looking for both worship and strategic leadership. Worship will continue to be first with us, but we recognize we must discern our future and will need guidance. More detail is provided in the Position Description and our recent Faith Profile, both of which are on ChurchHub.
It Didn’t Start on October 7 – A Webinar
This webinar featuring Philip Sherwood will walk participants through the historic origins of the problems faced by Palestinians. Here is an opportunity to learn more.
Please click here to register.
Or you can get more information by clicking here!
Check our Region’s Affirm Committee Facebook Page
Friends, while scrolling through Facebook, we invite you to check out the “Bermuda-Nova Scotia Region Affirm Committee“ page. You’ll find links to current events, thought-provoking videos, and opportunities for meaningful engagement. It’s also a great space to share your thoughts on various issues or to spread the word about important topics. If you have something you’d like us to post, just send a message to our administrators—we’d love to hear from you!
A Tale of Two Gatherings: BNS AGM and Shared Centennial Celebration – Save The Dates!
The Bermuda-Nova Scotia Region will hold its Annual General Meeting virtually on May 14 and 15, in the evenings. This online gathering is an important time to reflect, consider the budget for 2026 and plan for the year ahead. There will be a pre-meeting informational webinar held on Wednesday, April 30 at 7 PM. Links for these meetings will be sent out in the weeks prior to all who have registered. On Friday, May 30 to Sunday, June 1 in Sackville, NB, join us in person as the Bermuda-Nova Scotia Region and Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region come together to celebrate 100 years of The United Church of Canada! Start time and registration for this celebration will be in these announcements in the coming months. We look forward to connecting with you at one or both of these events! Please visit the Annual General Meeting webpage regularly for registration and meeting information.
Information from Bermuda-Nova Scotia Licensing Committee
This is a reminder from Bermuda-Nova Scotia Licensing Committee that any lay person is permitted to offer Pulpit Supply in their Community of Faith. Anyone who leads Worship Services outside of their home pastoral charge must be a Licensed Lay Worship Leader in good standing with the Region. In accordance with the Licensed Lay Worship Leader Policy: a person may offer Pulpit Supply two Sundays per month or for one season, ie, Advent, Lent, etc. up to a maximum of 10 Sundays. Then the person is required to take a break from offering Pulpit Supply with the said Community of Faith. The list of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders can be found on the BNS Regional Council website. If you have any questions, please contact: Chairperson, Joan Griffin, 902-891-0556 or Secretary, Jim Webber-Cook 902-752-3766.
Regional Council Governance Evaluation Update January 22, 2025.
It’s over to you communities of faith, regional council members and those involved in the governance of Bermuda – Nova Scotia Regional Council (BNS). It’s time for you to have your say about whether BNS is living into its potential in enhancing call and ministry in building relationship with communities of faith and faith leaders.
Communities of faith were provided the link to the survey evaluating the governance of BNS through direct email sent on Tuesday. Remember this is for your whole Board/Council to meet, discuss and complete before March 15, 2025.
Today, the other 3 surveys were sent out directly. There is a survey for all ministry personnel to complete by February 24, one for community of faith representatives to the regional council to complete by February 24, and one for those involved in the regional council governance to complete by February 10. Some of you will have more than one to complete as you bring your personal perspective or your perspective from serving on a Committee/Executive. Thank you for the thought and time you put into providing me and the regional council helpful feedback about the effectiveness and impact of the BNS governance structure.
If you have not received the email providing the link to any of these, please contact Seyi Adeyemo (
Greetings Growth Seekers from Growth Animator Sharon
How are you addressing those what if possibilities to keep your church vibrant, energized, animated and growing? What if your key leadership were to leave? Think of the “go to” people who take the lead, organizing, knowing where things are, how things are done and when, who they recruit? Whether you imagine life without a minister, the current chair, the organizers of fundraisers, the coordinators of outreach, the lead for the worship team, your stewardship enthusiast, … whoever it is, we need to be working together, so that all your key people know that if their circumstances change, others in the community of faith are well informed, well equipped and can carry on?
Invite everyone to be involved. Develop a how to, or “Guide 101” and keep looking for ways to energize new people to come share their talents, innovative ideas and to make a difference. How might community partners also be invited to get involved as you support and encourage other’s. Don’t wait for a “what if …”. Plan, be organized and knowledgeable to keep the life and work of your community of faith vibrant.
Likewise, if there does not seem to be much happening in your context, pull together some people and imagine a “what if” in which you work together and start a new thing! Let’s get growth animated together.
Call Sharon at 506-306-0500 or by email at as together, we keep being bold, deep and daring!
Come Join Us in Prayer Each Thursday on Zoom
We all can use a little prayer.
Join the weekly prayer for our United Church on Zoom Thursdays at noon EST (1:00 Atlantic, 1:30 NL)
Strengthening Invitation | United in Prayer
Each Thursday at 12pm Eastern the Growth Department prays for and with communities of faith in our shared ministry of Strengthening Invitation.
Let us know how we can pray for your community of faith.
Are you planning a special service to invite your neighbours?
Are you reaching out to your neighbours through an event?
Are you asking hard or exciting questions about your future?
Join us and pray for others.
Send your prayer request to (you can send a request even if you’re not attending)
Register to join us here
Do to show your care? Would you like some additional time to share your story and reflect on your situation? Get growth animated by calling Sharon at 506-306-0500 or by email at as together, we keep being bold, deep and daring!
Poverty is a Policy Choice
Do you think that all we are ever doing is putting a band aid on the gaping wound of poverty? We are called to help others but we are also called to daring justice – to speak out against systemic injustice. In Nova Scotia, “Poverty is a Policy Choice” as demonstrated by the levels of Basic Needs Assistance to cover food, shelter, utilities, clothing and other personal needs and the policy decisions around the standard household rate categories. People on Basic Needs Assistance live in deep poverty, less than 75% of the official poverty line.
Now is the time that the provincial government makes budget decisions, so now is the time to write to the Minister of Opportunities and Social Development, formerly Communities Services, about making changes. Grace United Church has written to the Minister and invites you to do the same, Further information is available on our website including a letter or an e-mail that you can download and personalize. If you are interested in our Minute for Mission text or visuals, contact Shirley at
Annual Pastoral Charge Information Form 2025
To improve the speed and accuracy of communication between BNS Regional staff, committees and our pastoral charges we are asking each pastoral charge to complete and submit the Annual Pastoral Charge Information Form (click here) as soon as possible after your 2025 annual meeting. This updates the Region with the names and contact information of your current leadership and regional council representatives.
The form is fillable online but can be printed and mailed or faxed if the individual designated to complete the form does not have internet access. Any paper copies may be mailed to the Regional Office at 21 Wright Street, Sackville, NB E4L 4P8 or faxed to 506-536-2900. Any questions you may have about the form can be directed to Seyi Adeyemo, Communications and Office Administrator, at or 1-506-306-0494.
Service of Celebration for Rev. Dr. Sally Shaw’s Retirement
St. John’s United Church, Fall River warmly welcomes you to attend the final service for Rev. Dr. Sally Shaw on Sunday, January 26th 11am. Rev. Sally has faithfully served the Waverley Pastoral Charge for over 6 years with strong dedication, compassion and leadership. Rev. Dr. Rob Fennell will be preaching. All are welcome to attend, and stay for the luncheon to follow. We wish Rev. Sally all the best in her retirement, and are grateful for her ministry with us.
Please reach out to or 902-860-4000 with any questions.
St. John’s United Church, Fall River 3360 Hwy #2 Fall River, NS B2T 1J2
An affirming congregation of the United Church of Canada