Submission Request for Weekly Announcements 

Staff Directory

Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)

It’s Your Call – Podcast

Spark Newsletter

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming events at the the Centre for Christian Studies please click here.

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.

Condolences- Norma Ellis

Condolences are extended to the family of Norma Ellis who passed away on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Norma Ellis was a Past President of Maritime Conference UCW 1994-1996.  The obituary can be viewed here.

Condolences – Rev. Douglas Keith Alexander

Our sympathy is extended to the family of Rev. Douglas Keith Alexander who passed away on Tuesday, November 19, 2024.  A copy of the obituary can be viewed here.

Proposals Deadline

Dear Committee/Division/Teams and members of Regional Council: As the 2025, 45th General Council meetings get closer, we need  to remind everyone that the deadline for proposals to get before the General Council is April 1st, 2025. If there were proposals that came before the region at our spring meeting in 2024, please note that they have been forwarded to the General Council. If you wish to have other proposals considered, the deadline for submission to the Region is February 26th, 2025. Individuals, communities of faith, networks, and clusters of the United Church may submit a proposal to their respective Regional Council for consideration. The Regional Councils will then take ownership of the proposal, with full ability to make revisions and changes, and either forward it to General Council with agreement or disagreement (providing rationale why the Regional Council is sending a proposal with which it disagrees) or by taking no action at this time.

In order to give the Regional Council Executive time to consider proposals, please ensure that all proposals are received by February 26th, 2024. The proposals will come to the March Executive meetings for your respective region. Proposal guidelines and templates for General Council are attached, and can also be found here:, click on business and then proposals.

Minister’s Position Quispamsis United Church

Quispamsis Pastoral Charge searching for a Minister three quarter to full time (40 hours per week) to start as soon as practical.
Region is Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters
Quispamsis is located just outside Saint John, N.B.
QUC is looking for both worship and strategic leadership. Worship will continue to be first with us, but we recognize we must discern our future and will need guidance. More detail is provided in the Position Description and our recent Faith Profile, both of which are on ChurchHub.

Come Join Us in Prayer Each Thursday on Zoom

We all can use a little prayer.
Join the weekly prayer for our United Church on Zoom Thursdays at noon EST (1:00 Atlantic, 1:30 NL)
Strengthening Invitation | United in Prayer
Each Thursday at 12pm Eastern the Growth Department prays for and with communities of faith in our shared ministry of Strengthening Invitation.
Let us know how we can pray for your community of faith.
Are you planning a special service to invite your neighbours?
Are you reaching out to your neighbours through an event?
Are you asking hard or exciting questions about your future?
Join us and pray for others.
Send your prayer request to (you can send a request even if you’re not attending)
Click here to Register !

Do to show your care? Would you like some additional time to share your story and reflect on your situation? Get growth animated by calling Sharon at 506-306-0500 or by email at as together, we keep being bold, deep and daring!

Check our Region’s Affirm Committee Facebook Page

Friends, while scrolling through Facebook, we invite you to check out the “Bermuda-Nova Scotia Region Affirm Committee page. You’ll find links to current events, thought-provoking videos, and opportunities for meaningful engagement. It’s also a great space to share your thoughts on various issues or to spread the word about important topics. If you have something you’d like us to post, just send a message to our administrators—we’d love to hear from you!

Lenten Devotional

New Lenten Devotional
What we sing together has the power to change us.

What music do you hope will be sung in churches generations from now? What music helps you become the follower of Christ you hope to be?

This Lenten devotional explores how the power of music can deepen our connection to God and form us as disciples of Christ. For many, music is a ubiquitous presence in our lives that affects us, sometimes despite us. The music we resonate with speaks to who we are, what we believe, and what we aspire to as people. Because of this, music is a powerful faith formation tool.

A study guide for in-person or online groups is included.
Please contact Leona at or 709-399-0834 to order your copy.

New Opportunity for advanced study at AST

Atlantic School of Theology announces a cohort in Systematic and Historical Theology for 2025-26 within the Master of Arts (Theology and Religion) program.

This cohort will be a small group of student-scholars pursuing a degree focused in the area of Systematic or Historical Theology. The cohort will be led by Professor Rob Fennell.

Purpose and activities
The cohort will meet biweekly in a required seminar (September 2025 through April 2026) to form a community of encouragement and support, and to focus on your academic goals. You will join with other MA students focused on Systematic or Historical Theology to share peer support, explore your interests, discuss an article together, prepare for thesis writing, share in social events, learn from established scholars, receive mentorship, and more.

Seven generous scholarships are available (up to $10,000 for domestic students, and up to $25,000 for international students). Preference will be given to MA applicants with a prior degree in theology who intend to write a thesis. Campus-based students will also be given priority, but those studying at a distance are welcome to apply.

Four positions as research or teaching assistants (valued at $1,000 for one term of part-time work) are also available.

To apply for the MA cohort in Systematic and Historical Theology, apply to AST’s MA program. In your letter of intent, include your desire to join the cohort. Be sure to indicate that your studies and thesis will focus on Systematic or Historical Theology, and describe briefly your area of interest.

Apply by March 1, 2025 to be considered for funding.
Contact Dr. Rob Fennell at

FSLDW Affirm Webinar Recording-January 22, 2025

In our January 22nd Webinar Julie Pellissier-Lush shared a wonderful Indigenous story of sky world and water world. Creation at it’s beginnings.   Ever wonder where the name “Turtle Island” got its roots? This story, in word and  pictures, teaches us much and gives us much to ponder. Julie is a Band Councillor for her community of Lennox Island First Nation, a Mi’kmaq storyteller, photographer, actor, drummer, best-selling author, and the first Indigenous Poet Laureate for PEI.
At her essence, Julie is a cultural teacher and knowledge keeper. We very much appreciate her willingness to share with us.

Please view the recording here.

Are you considering retirement?

If you are considering retiring or have retired since our last annual meeting, please see our Regional retirement resource. If you have made the decision to retire please fill out the form.

Thank you.

Greetings Growth Seekers from Growth Animator Sharon

How does your leadership, your teams, your committees prioritize time to ensure you are doing faith formation, spiritual grounding, taking time to experience deep spirituality together? Some have been accustomed to gathering outside of worship for meetings that tend to focus on work and decision making, without much more than an opening or closing prayer, perhaps a candle being lit. How often do you have a time of retreat together, perhaps offsite or even using your building as hosting location? How often do you share meals together in advance of meetings? Ensuring there is sharing and caring builds trust, stronger relationships and allows for greater compassion towards each other. Sometimes the weight of decision-making work has made it hard to imagine prioritizing spiritual growth. Interestingly, people often report when their groups have intentional spiritual nurturing and nourishing priorities, gatherings where decisions need to be made are shorter not longer.

Determine what might be the best pilots for your community of faith. Opening with a time of worship, spiritual practices or spiritual grounding and committing to a set time for each gathering, turning to business later. Perhaps meeting for business in even numbered months and doing the business on odd numbered months. Perhaps two meetings a month, one for decision making and one for spiritual activities that help people to get to know each other better, share about their faith, learn from each other.

Perhaps you share reflections of God moments, perhaps lectio Divina with scripture, perhaps discussing Bible stories, using a devotional guide, sharing with music, mindfulness or contemplative prayer…? What are some ideas you find helpful or would like to learn more about?
Let’s get growth animated together. Call Sharon at 506-306-0500 or by email at as together, we keep being bold, deep and daring!

Welcoming applications for an Intentional Interim Minister

United Protestant Church of Sydney River, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia is seeking applications for an Intentional Interim Minister following the retirement of its Minister who served this Community of Faith for almost 20 years.

This Community of Faith was established in 1951, bringing together several protestant denominations in the growing community of Sydney River on the western side of the city of Sydney, The current church building was opened in 1956. The large multi-level building includes a beautiful sanctuary, gymnasium, meeting rooms, commercial kitchen and support spaces. There is great potential for growth of church and community programs!

If this position is of any interest to you we would love to hear from you. We would welcome an opportunity to tell you more about our Community of Faith, the richness of this community, and the potential for a rewarding ministry. Our church profile, position description, and goals for the Interim period are posted on the ChurchHub. Enquiries and applications can be directed to
