Dec 8, 2020 | FDEE Announcements, FDEE United Church Bookstore and Gifts, First Dawn Eastern Edge
A collection of beautiful gifts and books are on sale at our United Church Bookstore Contact Leona Laundry at or call Leona at 1-800-268-3781 ext. 6141 United Church Bookstore Christmas SALE 1 United Church Bookstore Christmas SALE 2...Jun 26, 2020 | FDEE Announcements, FDEE Resources, FDEE United Church Bookstore and Gifts
Bookstore Faith Forward: Volume 3 – Launching a revolution through ministry with children, youth and families Author: David M. Csinos In one of his best-known songs, Bruce Cockburn sings about “lovers in a dangerous time.” Well, there’s no doubt that our world...Jun 26, 2020 | FDEE Resources, FDEE United Church Bookstore and Gifts
The United Church Bookstore in St. John’s is selling Pre-Filled Communion packets As some restrictions start to ease and churches are permitted to hold services, the United Church Bookstore thought they would bring the idea of Fellowship Communion to your...Apr 28, 2020 | FDEE Announcements, FDEE Resources, FDEE United Church Bookstore and Gifts
Hanging onto Hope Reflections and Prayers for Finding “good” in an Imperfect World by Melannie Svoboda Our world is yearning for signs of hope, and Melannie Svoboda helps us open our hearts to hope, even in the darkest of times. Here she explores the...Feb 28, 2020 | FDEE Announcements, FDEE Resources, FDEE United Church Bookstore and Gifts
*New* My Lenten Offering Folders The United Church Bookstore is offering Lenten Offering Folders Folder measures 4 1/8″ x 8 1/2″ when folded Fits in standard #10 envelope 4 1/8″ x 9 1/2″ Folder for placement of weekly offerings during Lent...