Sep 18, 2020 | FSLDW - 2020 Annual Meeting 15, 2020 | FSLDW - 2020 Annual Meeting 11, 2020 | FSLDW - 2020 Annual Meeting
Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete these questions.Sep 9, 2020 | FSLDW - 2020 Annual Meeting 8, 2020 | FSLDW - 2020 Annual Meeting
In preparation for the Annual Meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters region on September 26th, the Worship Team is inviting YOU, as individuals and communities of faith, to send us photos showing us how you are choosing to celebrate your life and your faith...Jul 17, 2020 | FSLDW - 2020 Annual Meeting
Deadline for proposals is September 9 at 12pm (Noon) Proposals that are time sensitive or require the action of the Region will be addressed at the AGM, others will be forwarded to the executive or held for the 2021 Annual Meeting. Proposal Template Regional Council...