Jan 12, 2020 | FSLDW Our Mission, Our Vision
Welcome to the Our Mission, Our Vision web page. I’m glad that you stopped by. It has taken me far too long to get a message ready for you! I hope it was worth the wait! Four of the planned eight sessions have been completed and the work of entering the information...Oct 29, 2019 | FSLDW Our Mission, Our Vision
We will soon celebrate our first anniversary! But who are we? What do we value? What do we believe? What are our hopes and dreams for the future? As your president, these things are important to me as we begin to define what it is to be a region. I want you to be...Oct 23, 2019 | FSLDW Our Mission, Our Vision
Fundy St Lawrence Dawning Waters Region is nine and a half months old! Hard for to me to believe sometimes … in less than three months, we will celebrate our first anniversary! But who are we? What do we value? What do we believe? What are our hopes and dreams for the...