Justice – Ecological Justice


Response to Draft radioactive Waste Policy EcoJustice Working group United Church eastern regions

Countering Nuclear Industry Narrative re Benefits

Submission to the Standing Committee of Parliament (Feb 2022)

Take Action for Climate Justice – printable pledge card (Nov 2021)

Small Modular Nuclear Reactor” development – Letter to Premiers (Aug 2021)

Urgent Request to sign E-petition to Increase Canada’s Climate Ambition and Action (Spring 2021)
E-petition on Climate Action (Fall 2020 – see Minister’s response)
Faith in Action Campaign 

E-petition on the Elimination of Environmental Racism


Nuclear Issues Report to Regions East  (August 2021)

For the Love of Creation

Faithful Footprints

Living With Respect In Creation – UCC 2019-2020 Sustainability Report 

“Take a Sacred Pause” is a resource for individuals, families, or small groups. It includes a simple practice using the words Sense, Appreciate, Connect, Respect, Express, Delight (SACRED), and guides us in remembering or discovering how to be in relationship with creation – a relationship of love and respect.

Good videos for introducing conversation about climate change in communities of faith – Dr. Katharine Hayhoe

For information about work in this area contact your Regional Office

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council – info4rc14@united-church.ca
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council – info4rc15@united-church.ca
First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council  – info4rc16@united-church.ca
