Justice – Racial Justice

Addressing racism and white privilege is ongoing work.  The United Church of Canada published its anti-racism policy, That All May Be One, in 2000.

Find out more about the positions of the United Church HERE.

“Dear White People” –  In this blog post Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall calls on White people in the church to put their love into action to counteract racism.



BOOK STUDY GUIDE for White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Diangelo.

A plethora of resources for anti-racism work can be found HERE.

We are building a list of Atlantic and Canadian resources relating to racism and anti-racism here.  Anti-racism Resource List Atlantic.

Wondering what you can do?  What Next My White Friends A list of 101 ways to practice anti-racism.

Sermon – Black History Month- Rev. Lloyd Bruce   (Preached Feb 28th, 2021 – Sackville, NB)

For information about work in this area contact your Regional Office

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council – info4rc14@united-church.ca
Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council – info4rc15@united-church.ca
First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council  – info4rc16@united-church.ca

